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soopernathan September 2 2007, 00:32:54 UTC
((EEE, you have no idea how much I fangirl you right now >>; Too bad my characters have to crush your hopes and spirits :D))

Oh, Jesus, of all the freaking people.


He hadn't seen her, in weeks, not since... God. And now she was here? Exactly who else was going to show up? This was nearly the entire family of Bennets, apparently. There was Hiro. There was Sylar. Who next? Heidi? Meredith? ...Niki? "You... what..." It was the most awkward Nathan had felt around somebody. His own flesh and blood, and he didn't know a damn thing about her. "What are you..."

This couldn't end well. Nathan cleared his throat, adjusting the unbuttoned collar of his shirt and fixing Claire with a half a smile, one that probably didn't quite reach his eyes. "I didn't expect to see you here."


ms_miracle_grow September 2 2007, 00:41:00 UTC
((*blush* Aww, I love the soul crushing. \o/*))

Claire's eyes went wide and she froze, just utterly motionless.

Dad. Nathan. Bio-dad. Jerk-face who had been willing to let New York explode. Guy who had shown up at the last minute and done the right thing. Um, yeah, she was kind of at a loss as to what to call him.

Whatever his title, Claire had been sure he had been dead. It was a little like seeing a ghost. Making some strangled sound of disbelief, she started forward, only to stop again.

"You're alive."

Yeah, that was a good way to start.


likeabadpenny September 2 2007, 01:07:34 UTC
Peter was beginning to wish that he had some sort of power to let him see the future (that wasn't painting, because that was normally pretty vague at the best of times) - because how good would it have been to know about this beforehand? He could have been cheered up for days, weeks, even.

It had been one thing that Peter had been worrying about ever since he came here. Not that he was scared that Claire had gotten hurt in anyway, because he knew she hadn't - but simply that he hadn't been able to keep his promise to Mr. Bennet that he would keep Claire safe. Even though 'keeping her safe' rang synonymous with 'asking her to shoot him in the head'.

Ooh, who was Nathan talking to? Peter was going to kick his ass if Nathan was flirting again. Coming up behind him, Peter frowned. "Nathan, I swear if you don't stop-" He broke off, staring at Claire who he'd just spotted. "Claire?" Shock eased its way into a grin. "Claire! God, when did you get here?"


ms_miracle_grow September 2 2007, 01:51:23 UTC
For every moment of awkward uncertainty that Claire had around Nathan, there was the exact opposite with Peter. From the second she'd met him there had been a kind of connection, a sense of belonging, which was only cemented by the fact that Peter had saved her life. Peter had made her feel safe, had been part of the reason she had been willing to finally embrace who she was.

He was kind of her hero.

So with a delighted shriek that only teenage girls could accomplish, Claire threw herself at Peter in a huge hug. "Oh my God, you're alive!" she said, beaming. "I thought you were dead! How are you not dead? Peter!" Literally too happy for cohesive sentences, Claire settled for hugging him tighter. She'd grieved him, mourned him, and now he was back. There weren't words enough to express the level of relief and joy.

So hugs would do.


soopernathan September 2 2007, 12:19:37 UTC
Yeah, okay, this was awkward. They had definitely delved into the two-word answer territory, and 'awkward' wasn't even a strong enough word for it. Maladroit, maybe. Inept. A blind fucking urge to go bolting in the other direction, fast as he possibly could, and for somebody who could break the sound barrier when he put a little kick into his abilities, his flying... that wasn't all too hard.

Give thanks for the loving uncle, right? For Peter who got the sudden embrace when Claire wouldn't even touch Nathan. He couldn't blame her for that, either. Nathan and Angela, and the big Save the World by Destroying Half of Freaking New York plan that Linderman had set in place... Shit, they'd shoved her in a fucking car and tried to ship her off to Paris. He'd just been trying to protect her - she was his daughter for God's sake - but who the hell knew what that looked like to her, right ( ... )


likeabadpenny September 2 2007, 14:19:23 UTC
Giving Claire a squeeze of a hug in return, Peter held her out at arms length and smiled at her. "I'm not dead because of you, Claire. You saved my life, again." And not only that time of the explosion; she'd since saved his life twice again since he'd come to Hogwarts. Not that he was going to tell her about that. The smile turned crooked, self-depreciating. "You keep racking up all these points in your favor, I'm never going to be able to pay you back."

His eyes slid over to Nathan, standing off to the side, and Peter shot his brother a look. The kind that said 'She's your daughter, make an effort!' If Nathan was going to stand there the whole time, Peter was going to give him a serious talking to after this ( ... )


ms_miracle_grow September 2 2007, 14:31:29 UTC
Rolling her eyes, she gave Peter a little smile. "I'm pretty sure you saving New York made up for it. We'll call it even." Because it wasn't as if she had done anything. She hadn't even shot him like he'd asked. In Claire's mind, Peter was way ahead in the points category.

Her eyes followed Peter's to Nathan and the girl frowned. Actually, bio-dad Jerkface could just stay over there for now. Her feelings about Nathan were a scattered jumble. There was the longing to know her family, where she'd come from, who she was. But then there was the anger and disappointment over who her father had turned out to be. What he'd been almost willing to do. The fact that he'd shown up redeemed him slightly, but that someone could even consider doing what he had been... Claire didn't know if she wanted to hug the man or hit him. So distance was okay, right at the moment ( ... )


soopernathan September 2 2007, 15:10:09 UTC
Oh, he knew that look. The 'do something constructive right now or I may shank you later' sort of look. Mostly because it was full-out trademark infringement. How many times had Nathan had to shoot it to Peter, that warning sort of glare that came with Peter's... random crazy talk or whatever he was deciding to do for the day. Jump out a window. Try to take off to Nevada! No, really, it was fun.

And he was trying! If opening and shutting his mouth like some kind of drowned guppy was any resemblance of something resembling 'trying'. Just... what did he say right now? 'So what have you been up to for the last sixteen years of your life'? 'How's the adopted parents, you know, since I kind of thought you were dead'? 'Sorry for trying to send you away to Paris because I was kind of ashamed of having an illegitimate daughter'? Oh, yes, it would all end so well. Hallmark moments here, people.

Peter got a look right back, as Nathan shifted from foot to foot and let his eyes flicker back to Claire. Clearing his throat and... letting them ( ... )


likeabadpenny September 2 2007, 15:24:40 UTC
At Nathan's return look and obviously awkward throat clearing, Peter frowned slightly. He didn't have to ask; of course Nathan would be feeling awkward and not really know what to do around Claire. It had to be difficult, to come face to face with a daughter whose life you'd had no part of.

Still. Serious words were coming Nathan's way, as soon as they were alone.

He almost went to protest that he hadn't actually saved New York - it had been Nathan - but Peter stopped the words just in time. Claire sounded happy to believe that, even though she was finding heroic qualities in the wrong person. At the news that Claire wanted to learn how to be a hero, Peter's smile faltered slightly. God, she was just a teenager.

"Sorry about Nathan," Peter apologized, "I think he has a sore throat, been really hard for him to talk." Lamest excuse ever, but Peter had to try. "And I ended up here when I... ah, blew up." He looked off to the side, temporarily embarrassed. "But it's a great place, you'll really love it here."


ms_miracle_grow September 2 2007, 15:36:29 UTC
At the throat clearing, Claire looked over at Nathan, slightly expectant. Only to be treated to awkward nothingness. "Funny," she said with a tiny smile, shaking her head. "I thought it was just him not knowing what to say to his illegitimate daughter." Though the words were to Peter, Claire's eyes were on Nathan's face.

Stepping back from Peter with a frown, she gave him a crooked, rueful smile. "Yeah, I'm hoping." Rubbing her hands on the sides of her jeans, she looked back and forth between the brothers.

"Wow, we're really bad at this, huh?"


soopernathan September 2 2007, 15:48:27 UTC
...What the hell? Sore throat? Nathan was automatically throwing Peter another look, because, seriously, was that the best thing he could come up with? A sore throat? Yes, because it wasn't like he'd just been talking five seconds ago. That fickle sore throat, only working on occasion. Next Peter'd be saying he had lockjaw and that came and went as it pleased, wouldn't he? Christ.

At least Claire could manage to be straightforward about things. His own eyes riveted right to her own once she spoke again, and, yes, that was it exactly, thank you for somebody getting out in the open. ...Christ, Ma was right, Claire did get her mouth. "'Bad at this' is... a bit of an understatement," Nathan finally managed to get out, and throwing Peter a bit of a glare, as if to see, 'see, there is no sore throat, and you are a dumbass'.


likeabadpenny September 2 2007, 15:57:27 UTC
Clapping his hand on Nathan's shoulder and giving him a light congratulatory shake, Peter beamed at his brother and Claire. See? That hadn't been so hard to just say something, had it? That's it, he was still giving Nathan A Talk at some point after this. Sometimes he had to step up and be a moral compass.

"We're all kind of bad at this," Peter shrugged, trying to get the tension out of the air. "But hey, that's understandable. You both found out about this at a really bad time." He smiled crookedly at both of them, looking far too excited. "And Claire, I know you have a family that you love, but I really think we could learn to be a family, too. More family is always good, right, Nathan?"


ms_miracle_grow September 2 2007, 16:06:32 UTC
Crossing her arms across her chest, Claire muttered, "I don't need family that tries to kidnap me and ship me off to Paris." Yeah, that so wasn't forgiven or forgotten anytime in the future.

"You were just going to let New York blow up! You were going to let Peter kill all those people!" Those weeks of thinking they were dead had simply compounded the frustration and disappointment and anger she'd felt at the time. "Ever since I found out I was adopted, I've been trying to imagine what my parents must have been like. Who they were. So I'd know who I was. But I don't want to be like you." Glowering, Claire set her jaw and met Nathan's eyes defiantly. "You could have done something, so people didn't get hurt. So they didn't die. You could have been brave. Why weren't you?" There was something so little-girl lost in her voice, in the tears that were threatening, even as the world-weary grief made her looks far too old for her years. That Nathan had come at the last minute wasn't enough. Not for Claire. "You're supposed ( ... )


soopernathan September 2 2007, 16:50:52 UTC
...See! This was why he didn't speak! He didn't even say ten words and that garnered some kind of mass rant about heroism and how much he sucked. And other such topics that Nathan did not like explaining, especially within the vicinity of Peter. It never ended well. Granted, this time it wasn't Peter that was the one that was ranting at him, but damn. Maybe that just made it all that worse.

Nathan squared his jaw for a few long seconds, teeth gritting against each other as he conjured the right words in his head. He was a politician. He was a lawyer. It was his freaking job to come up with bullshit on the spot. But in light of situations like this? When what he said actually mattered? Nathan was total shit at this kind of stuff. Always saying the wrong things and everyone ended up pissed off. They could make a party out of it.

"Look," Nathan replied in a low voice, hand branching out to grasp at Claire's shoulder, as if to achieve some kind of familiarity with the girl. "I get it, all right? I'm a sucky dad. Maybe not for Simon, or ( ... )


likeabadpenny September 2 2007, 17:09:38 UTC
Peter would have hugged Nathan right now if he wasn't in the middle of doing the fatherly-shoulder-touch thing, so he settled for throwing an absolutely adoring look in Nathan's direction. He was so proud of Nathan right now, for stepping up and saying what he actually felt.

"He is a hero, Claire," Peter followed up, tucking his hands in his pockets and smiling at them both. Oh, he knew that Nathan had been prepared to let him explode and let half of New York get killed, but Nathan had also changed his mind and done the right thing, in the end. That was all that mattered to Peter. "He saved New York, when I couldn't do anything. Nathan risked his own life to save millions of people ( ... )


ms_miracle_grow September 2 2007, 17:40:09 UTC
Jerking her shoulder out of Nathan's grasp, Claire's eyes narrowed. "You think I'm mad about me?" she asked, incredulous. "I don't care that you weren't there before. I have a dad, and he loves me, and I don't need you." The words were shouted with all the pain that completely betrayed her words. He'd left her. In Kermit, when Meredith had offered to call her, he'd just left the money and gone. He didn't love her. He used her. He shunted her away because she was an embarrassment. And he knew it, too. As Claire looked up at him, as she met his eyes, she knew that he was well aware of the reality of their relationship.

"This is about New York," she hissed, gesturing to emphasize her points. "This is about you being willing to sacrifice all those people. You weren't protecting anyone but yourself."

She rounded on Peter. "He is not a good guy, Peter! He lied to you! He lied to me. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. And if he had done something sooner, then maybe things would have been better." She pointed at ( ... )


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