And now... owls.

Aug 27, 2007 18:15

((Link goes to a post in Mayday's journal. Didn't want to spam the comm with a socking.))

After a shower, a good night's sleep and another awkward meeting, Jaime managed to get some breakfast and make his way to the Owlery without further incident ( Read more... )

owl, jaime reyes, stephanie brown, rp, lola sanchez

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Return owl, looking absolutely blissful and a bit in love nicknamegirl August 28 2007, 05:32:11 UTC
Of course the offer still stands! When would be a good time for you?



Return owl, looking well-bribed bantersucks August 28 2007, 11:04:10 UTC
You free around lunchtime? I'm camped out in the Great Hall anyway since I have to keep bribing birds with food to get them to send messages back to people. So I'm not going anywhere for a while.



Return owl, note charmed to shimmer in gold nicknamegirl August 28 2007, 17:15:38 UTC
Oh my. =) I hope you're not spoiling them? Overfed owls could cause problems... I'm sure. Somehow.

I'll be there! Get ready to be dazzled by my tour guiding skills.



Return owl, with a much plainer note bantersucks August 28 2007, 18:18:02 UTC
((If I vanish for a few hours, my hunch was right and work got nuts. Fair warning. XD))

Yeah, I guess it'd be hard to fly if an owl got too stuffed. But it's not the owls I'm worried about. Someone I met here uses a pet chicken to deliver mail. A chicken that eats like a Hoover and won't budge til you feed it. Or it'll try to eat your sleeve.

Bet I will. See you soon.



nicknamegirl August 28 2007, 19:37:33 UTC
((Okay! Thanks for telling. =) ))

The Source, of course, had everything Lola needed in ways of clothing. Stores in Heaven were practical like that. After having changed into the outfit carefully selected for this maybe-date, a red top and dark blue jeans, she spent a good fifteen minutes getting just the right amount of lipgloss, mascara and blush on (not too much, just so that she wouldn't look like the pushy queen of slut town), before washing it all off and starting over again. Gah. Balance between too much and too little, always a pain to get right... Finally, a pair of dangly gold earrings and several thin gold bracelets completed the look, along with red wedges ( ... )


bantersucks August 29 2007, 02:17:19 UTC
((Reposted because I fail.))

Fortunately, camping out in the Great Hall wasn't all that dull, really. Jaime had taken up a seat in the corner, watching people - and it wasn't just "people" in the technical sense - come in and out of the Hall all morning. The lunch rush had brought a lot of people to the Great Hall, and there were house elves running to and fro between the packed tables of students who were more than likely using the Hall as an excuse to avoid their new spouses (although Jaime didn't know much about that yet). It had been interesting but uneventful, except for that short Asian kid who'd run in shouting something earlier about war and exploding beets. Oookay.

He was a little bit nervous, actually despite the icon keywords, shut up. He'd been disoriented when meeting Lola, and the scarab had been almost mellow around her (as close as it got, anyway), so he'd nearly forgotten about it when they were talking. But now, with it analyzing everybody who walked by (which he ignored since there was no sign of the Reach or ( ... )


nicknamegirl August 29 2007, 06:01:27 UTC
Lola's hand, which had absentmindedly gone up to fiddle with her hair and make sure it was behaving, dropped to her side again as she spotted him, and her smile became sunnier. Yeah. He was still kind of cute. Her... well, her angel senses, she supposed, were tingling when he was nearby, though, and it was confusing. He was definitely not a demon. She would have recognised those vibes easily enough. But if that wasn't it, and angel certainly wasn't it, and he was more than just your average human... Then what was he? This was going to bug her. Haha. Bug. Scarab. Geddit?

"It's okay," she said with a little shrug and grin. "I just got here. So," she chirped brightly, "have you eaten?" Because eating was good. Lola was hearing good things about it. "If you haven't, we'll bring snacks."

She had definitely over-dressed. Darn, darn, darn, darn... Okay. Just go with it. No disaster. She could deal. But darn.


bantersucks August 29 2007, 10:35:04 UTC
It probably didn't help that whenever Lola was around, the scarab seemed to calm down and simply be content with background scanning instead of classifying everyone and everything as a threat. Besides, whether or not it was evil was still up in the air and the mun has to wait two months before that gets tested in canon, darn it. The fact that it was learning was something. If it could grasp the idea of free will and nonviolence well enough to broadcast it to others like it, that gave Jaime a bit of hope ( ... )


nicknamegirl August 29 2007, 13:16:09 UTC
An apple? Pfft. "Then snacks it is," decided Lola firmly. "We'll be zooming around the castle and grounds a lot, so we'll need all the energy we can get... We'll make a picnic out of it!" She should have brought hot chocolate. Oh well. There were other neat foodstuffs one could get around here. Lola peered around the hall, just in case anyone thought of the idea to throw anything in her general direction. Because food on her new top? Absolutely not cool ( ... )


bantersucks August 29 2007, 14:12:41 UTC
Jaime grinned, glancing over at the other end of the Great Hall, where the very last remnants of the food fight were playing out. Looked like Exploding Beet Girl was one of the instigators. "I'm thinking a picnic would be safer."

They were probably on an even playing field, then, since Jaime was a pretty terrible liar unless lives were at stake. "I guess you'll be okay unless we're going to be hiking a swamp. Unless you want to change shoes?" He wasn't sure, but had heard enough rants about women's footwear from Brenda to at least have an idea.

The house-elf came back with a large picnic basket, which Jaime took automatically, figuring he could serve as the pack mule. "Hey, thanks." He surveyed the Hall again. "I think the coast is mostly clear. No one's going to mind if we take stuff from the trays?" It had pretty much been open season when the food appeared.

Oh, Jaime knew that grin, especially accompanied with the word "shopping." Of course, he was used to seeing it from Brenda right before she dragged him or Paco or both along ( ... )


nicknamegirl August 29 2007, 19:37:16 UTC
Definitely a picnic. Lola was keeping an eye on Tomo, just in case she would get too excited - living with her had taught Lola everything about the girls seemingly endless supply of energy - and accidentally throw food in the near vicinity of the angel. Which would have been a tragic thing. So, picking out food, and then leaving, that was probably wise ( ... )


bantersucks August 29 2007, 20:53:36 UTC
Fortunately, despite the loud girl's claims to the contrary, nothing thrown had exploded ( ... )


nicknamegirl August 29 2007, 23:08:34 UTC
Lola nodded, making a little face. "It's wetter than a lot of places. It hardly ever rains where I'm from..." She paused, thinking about Heaven. Oh yes, every day a perfect day, the very air feeling like it was fizzing with energy, and a neverending top-music humming from the atmosphere... But no rain. "Before that, though, there'd be more variety." She looked slightly wistful, her eyes a touch dreamy. Okay yeah, Heaven was everything you could dream of and she adored it. But there was something about Earth too that was...

Hello, was she talking about the weather? Ah, no. No, that was not clever and witty conversation at all ( ... )


bantersucks August 30 2007, 01:14:38 UTC
The dreamy look on Lola's face wasn't lost on Jaime. "So where are you from?" he asked, snagging a grape from a tray and popping it into his mouth - just because it was there. Not that this was clever or witty either, but he was curious ( ... )


nicknamegirl August 30 2007, 02:09:54 UTC
Deviousness was definitely second nature to this angel. Well, since her first nature was so everlastingly sunny, she needed a dark side... Well, a grey side. Apparently she had a demon version of herself in Hell, and that was doubtlessly a very dark side indeed.

"Yeah, that's Tomo," smiled Lola. "She's a friend." Possibly a wife. She wasn't sure if she was actually married to Tomo as well or if they were both just married to Dwight. Or if it mattered. She grinned as the girl darted out of the room, evidently completely fine. "Good. Sometimes I get a little worried that she'll end up breaking something the way she zooms around, but she just... never manages to get hurt. It's a neat trick."

Okay. Time for confessions. Lola had blushed a little bit when he'd asked about the energy. Oops. She hadn't meant for him to see that. But yeah, okay, he deserved to know what she was. It was an important part of her, and if this was a date like she was suspecting then... Yeah. Then he absolutely should know ( ... )


bantersucks August 30 2007, 03:11:11 UTC
Jaime could understand having a dark side. Even though it hadn't been his to begin with and had forced itself upon him. But still ( ... )


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