So.... Now what? (Closed RP for Jaime and Claude, may be open later)

Aug 26, 2007 21:18

Jaime was starting to think that he would never get out of the Sorting Room, but when a distracted and bitchy Hat proclaimed he was in Gryffindor, he didn't waste time in getting out of there ( Read more... )

jaime reyes, rp, claude rains

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invisibleclaude August 27 2007, 01:50:37 UTC
Claude was in Sparklypoo. At least, that's where the hat had voted him into. Not that such a thing mattered to him in the least. Especially since pretty much everything he owned was on his person at all times. He'd poked his head into the assigned dorm once, nearly had an epileptic seizure from the pink, and promptly decided never to go back there.

Mostly he slept on Peter's couch so he could wake up the boy and his 'wife' as annoyingly as possible every morning. Or he nipped into empty rooms - or, hell, occupied rooms, even. Whatever suited his fancy. And most students were incredibly lax in security. Anything he wanted was easily found and taken.

At the moment he was wandering down the hallway, invisible, munching on a donut he'd taken from some fat old man's plate, aimlessly exploring in the way of someone with no particular agenda and no real hurry to get anywhere. Passing a boy, Claude barely spared him a glance. One thing he did not want at all was human interaction. He was more than content to be unseen and unmolested by the whiny occupants the castle normally attracted.


bantersucks August 27 2007, 01:54:59 UTC
Normally, Jaime wouldn't have bothered with the guy who looked like a bum and who was giving off an obvious leave-me-the-hell-alone vibe. However, he'd been wandering the halls for almost half an hour now and Claude was the first human being he'd encountered. He'd take what he could get. "Hey. You got any idea where Gryffindor is?"


invisibleclaude August 27 2007, 01:59:05 UTC
Freezing, Claude turned, a heavy scowl on his face. Quicker than a thought, he'd slammed Jaime back against the wall, arm bracing across the other man's chest. "How can you see me?" he demanded, breath hot and angry, eyes flashing. "No one sees me." Looming over the boy, Claude bared his teeth and resisted the urge to shake him. "Who are you? What do you want? And I'll tell you this, friend, I'm not helping you save any bloody worlds. If you're going to explode, you go do it and leave me in peace."


bantersucks August 27 2007, 02:10:30 UTC
That... was not the reaction Jaime was expecting.

He grunted in pain as Claude slammed him against the stone wall, the force of it knocking the wind out of him. The scarab immediately started its litany of violent options, which Jaime reluctantly quashed.

"How can I see you? You're standing right there!" he responded when he could breathe again. "What the hell is wrong with people here? I just wanted directions, and I wouldn't have asked you if I'd seen any other human beings around here. Back off, would you?"


invisibleclaude August 27 2007, 02:31:29 UTC
"Do you think I'm stupid?" Claude spat. "Or are you just an idiot with crap where your brains should be? I'm bloody invisible, mate, no one can see me. Except now you can, and it's making me wonder why?" Claude pressed harder against Jaime's chest, glaring down at him. "Talk. Now. Or we'll find out if your head makes for a good punt down the hallway, yeah?"


bantersucks August 27 2007, 02:42:13 UTC
And doing that made it harder to talk and made the scarab start to get pissed off. Jaime gritted his teeth, fighting the scarab's natural response. He was in charge.

Suddenly, he registered what Claude was saying. "No, I - wait, invisible?" His attention focused off of Claude, obviously listening to something else. "Dammit, you're supposed to tell me when they're invisible!" Jaime scowled, listening to the voice only he could hear. "You know what spectrum! We've been over this!"

Realizing that he was having the one-sided conversation out loud, he groaned. "Okay, look. I see things. On different levels. And I can't turn it off." Or shut it up, but he's not telling this guy that. Seriously, he doubts Claude will accept the whole truth.


invisibleclaude August 27 2007, 02:50:24 UTC
Staring at Jaime for a minute, Claude suddenly released him and stepped a good few feet back. "Oh, not another one," he groaned, shoving his hands in his pockets and eyeing Jaime warily. "Look, friend, I don't want to hear about it. I don't want to know about your little problems, I don't want to hear about destiny, and I definitely don't want to know if you're having bloody dreams. I'm not helping you. So you just go on your way and I'll go on mine and you forget you ever saw me."

Turning, Claude started off down the hallway in the opposite direction, cursing under his breath. Seriously, did he have some kind homing beacon for the broken and the pathetically floppy haired?


bantersucks August 27 2007, 03:04:59 UTC
"Trust me, I don't want to talk about it. I just want to find my room, get some sleep and not get attacked," Jaime snapped, relieved that the guy hadn't pushed. He didn't need another crazy mentor. Peacemaker had been more than enough. "You wanted an explanation, you got it."

As Claude turned away, he slumped down into a sitting position against the wall, exhausted. Yep, he was probably going to wind up sleeping out here tonight. Stupid house elves. Stupid scarab. Stupid paranoid invisible guys.


invisibleclaude August 27 2007, 03:26:16 UTC
"Oh, right," Claude snorted, "you're just going to sulk there and go on about how life is cruel and no one understands your burdens because there's never been anyone in the history of the world who has had as much pain and suffering. Can't stand up on your own two feet, so you'll just lie down and take the kicks that anyone gives you. You're like a Petrelli, hair flopping in your face and an over-inflated sense of your own martyrdom."

Waving his hand, Claude started off at a fast clip down the hallway. "If you can't keep up, you deserve to sleep outside with the rest of the unhousebroken."

Why yes, that was Claude agreeing to show him where Gryffindor was.


bantersucks August 27 2007, 03:39:32 UTC
Actually, Jaime had been planning to sit there and wait til the unstable guy left so the scarab would shut up and go back to figuring out how to get to Gryffindor. It didn't exactly like him very much. But he wasn't about to explain that.

He ignored the insult - not like he understood it anyway - and climbed to his feet. "Thanks," was all he said before following Claude down the hallway, keeping pace a few steps behind the other man. Just in case he wasn't leading him towards Gryffindor.

That, and if he had to listen to Claude anymore, the scarab would just get more incensed and Jaime didn't want to have to listen to both of them bitch.


invisibleclaude August 28 2007, 21:21:42 UTC
Oh, Claude showed him the way all right. But just because the man had fallen victim to some soft spot for emo bangs helpless wiz kids that he would vehemently deny with his last breath didn't mean he was going to be nice about it. So Jaime got led to Gryffindor - via the Great Hall, Slytherin, the seventh floor bathrooms, and a broom closet. Claude remained invisible the whole time, as well, so Jaime would look rather odd, darting around after nothing.

Finally, Claude paused outside a portrait of a fat woman, nodding towards the open door. "Bread's your pudding, mate. Easy as whistling." The shit-eating grin might have been a bit out of place.


bantersucks August 28 2007, 21:35:29 UTC
By the time they got to the seventh floor bathrooms, Jaime had twigged onto what the other guy was up to. The only reason he didn't just turn and walk the other way was because he wasn't too keen on going back to aimlessly wandering. If he did that, he might encounter an even bigger asshole.

The scarab at least had the presence of mind to tell him that Claude was invisible this time, so he knew he looked a little weird as he tried to keep up with nothing in the halls. But he kept his mouth shut. No point in adding to the embarrassment.

He was mildly surprised to find that they actually arrived at Gryffindor and not somewhere in the dungeons. The shit-eating grin was not a surprise, though. "Uh-huh," he said noncommittally. "Thanks." With that, he stumbled into the Gryffindor common room, glancing back briefly to ensure that Claude wouldn't follow. "No, you can't kill him. I know it'd feel good. That's what makes it even more wrong."


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