You may have noticed that I haven't been in Ravenclaw much recently. This is because the Sorting Hat has gone insane and married what looks to be a large portion of the Hogwarts student body to each other, and I'm no exception. I've been married to someone who claims to be a chimera--except instead of appearing to be a normal human who possesses two different DNA patterns, he has purple hair and blueish-gray skin. Don't be angry with him, he's been very courteous and it's not his fault. In any case, I can't move my things out of the tent I've been assigned to, which is incredibly annoying.
That's been my week so far, how're you?
PS: Could I borrow some Benadryl, if you have any? Zelgadiss (my new roommate) has a cat and I'm nearly out of my own supply.