OPEN RP: Unpopping Sarah

Aug 03, 2007 18:53

WHO: Sarah and OPEN
WHERE: Popcorn room, corridor outside

Waking up on a cold, stone floor was not among Sarah's top ten list of things to do in the morning... at least, it should have been morning, but the light in her room was all wrong. Had she overslept? Was she sick again? Ugh. In fact, everything in her room was all wrong because this was not her room.

Oh God, not again.

Blinking rapidly, she scrubbed the sleep out of her eyes with one hand and patted her front with the other, which confirmed that no, she had not woken up in someone else's body again, and then sat up.

And froze. The popcorn room.

Sarah took in the glass cases before her with something akin to mild horror. Why, precisely, had she been sleeping on the popcorn room floor? Yet, even as the question finished forming, another hypothesis sprang up in her mind as the smell of her clothes reached her nose. Butter. Not a inherently bad smell, except that this time it was slightly musty, but still... eww. Wait, not only eww...

"Oh shit!" Her voice sounded hoarse and unnatural to her ears, as though she had not used it in some time. She cleared her throat hard and moved her jaw in a circle and then tried again. "My name is Sarah and I think I was just recently a snack food." Okay, voice definitely working better now but, seriously, popcorn?!

Sarah dropped her head into her hands, fighting to recall just what in the name of God was going on. She remembered going to sleep, more clearly than one might remember a routine behavior repeated every night because she had not felt well and was worried about coming down with the same virus she had gotten over the Christmas holiday. There was... something after that, hazy and weird like a dream she struggled to hold on to after sleep, a jumble of images and feelings and the like. Maybe it was a dream. Did popcorn dream?

"Popcorn." Okay, so it was taking a bit longer to wrap her brain around this than she would have thought. Not that she ever had, that is, thought about being popcorn and then not being popcorn again. Popcorn was - or used to be, at least - too sensitive a subject to sit there and imagine herself as the snack food. It was like... well, picturing yourself dead or something. Except, she wasn't dead, she was back and, as far as she knew, the same person she was at the point she had gone to sleep. So, popcorn = dead theory effectively busted, which was nice, if not for the fact she had been the one to bust it!

Planting her palms on the floor to regain her sense of balance, she moved to stand upright and then swayed slightly, bending to rub her legs. Oww. Her limbs were kind of asleep. She couldn't even have been put in a comfortable position as popcorn? Or, within the kernel? Maybe she had never changed shape at all? Oh, who knew.

Looking down at her clothes with a mild sort of disgust, Sarah growled. Apparently she had indeed gone straight from sleep to popcorn, because those were definitely the Scooby pyjama pants and tank top she had last put on and now smelled like old butter. And were oily, how nasty! The bare feet were fine, in fact, she was just grateful she had been sleeping in something halfway modest. She had been a college student, pyjamas might as well be clothing in most cases, so there wasn't a problem there.

Shaking her head as she walked to the door only served to make the musty butter smell worse and she grasped a chunk of her long, dark hair and examined it with a sigh. There was not enough shampoo in the world to get this out in less than three washes. Exiting the popcorn room as she let go of her hair, she immediately glanced to the plaque, though she suspected her name had already vanished. Good, it would have been creepy otherwise.

"Oh my God."

The familiar muttered oath was let out more in a gust of released air than spoken. The list was twice as long as it had been! Had there been an epidemic popcorning that had gotten her too? Had she been gone long... no, that would be jumping to conclusions.

She knew she should go shower, eat, figure out what day it was, find her kittens (and the rest of her belongings, she prayed the magic of the school just made it store them somewhere), see if Munnin had been able to take care of himself too and send some "owls"... She should do a number of things before checking this cursed list, but this was Sarah and that would have been a bit too sensible. Finger starting around a spot where she recognized names from being at the former bottom of the plaque, she began to read, stomach sinking with each familiar one but not bottoming out yet.

Fiyero. Data, who had never believed he could do magic even when he did it. There were names of people she knew in passing acquaintance and, with a sick sort of relief, she even noted Jareth's name.

But not Lily. Not Ryuuji. Not JD or Jack, not Domino, not Dr. Cox or Sirius, not Agnes who was always so sweet to her, not ZEX with his endearing, bumbling unsureness with humans and not a host of others who she would have been grieved to see on this list. Somewhere, God must care just a little bit for her sanity. That these people might not be on the list but still different never even occurred to her.

And then something hit her in the leg and did not let go. Sharp pointy OWW. So, instinctively, she screamed. Loudly. "AAAAAH, NO... wait... Cleo?" Looking down, she met the gaze of her kitten, who had attached herself to the leg of Sarah's pyjamas with sharp little claws as though she had no intention of letting go. With a startled laugh, Sarah reached down and scooped up the ginger tiger kitten and then beamed when a darker tiger kitten bounced into view.

"Have you guys been wandering the school while I was gone?" she asked, but did not really expect an answer. After all, while Cleo had been a gift - she had never liked taking 'bribes' at Sortings - from Quaxo who did talk, the kitten had yet to start to speak, if ever. And Gawain, well, he had never appeared to be more than a normal kitten, even if he, like Cleo, had stayed smaller much, much longer than any cat she had ever known.

Smack. "Well, I'm sorry, geez," Sarah groused and rubbed her nose as she put Cleo back on the ground, then snorted when the irritated kitten began cleaning herself vigorously. Popcorn funk. Perhaps a bath would be better than a shower.

Okay, so. Herself. Check. Her cats. Check. Her life.


She jammed her hands into the pockets of her pyjama pants grumpily and then promptly let out a happy shriek of glee. Score, cellphone! Yet, inspection of it only proved to sour her mood again. Dead battery.

"I really, really hope I wasn't gone long," she muttered to herself, intently eyeing the kittens milling about her feet. Were they bigger? Older? Hmmm.

((ooc: Same mun, same Sarah as before, so anyone she knew before she'll still know now, if they'd like to come across her. And she loves new friends! :D))

sarah williams, ryuuji otogi, homsar, brice de winter, rp, unpopcorning, michael scott

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