A Midsummer Night's Insanity: Rehearsal the First!

Jul 26, 2007 19:15

((Hi all :D Sorry for the delay on this -- I was away, and then I was sicky sickity sick sick sick. Pretend the cast list was posted, you know, a week ago. To avoid spamming the comm I'm putting the rehearsal RP and the cast list in the same post -- OOC details on the rehearsal below!))

After carefully considering the auditions (and drinking himself into a stupor over some of them), Geoffrey made his decisions and carefully put together his cast. He posted the list up by the door in the Great Hall for everyone to see.

As it turns out, not quite enough people showed up to auditions, so a certain lucky few had been reluctantly allowed back into the cast...

A Midsummer Night's Dream Cast List:

Puck -- Kelly Kapoor
Oberon -- Bernard Black
Titania -- Ellen Fanshaw
Lysander -- Hamlet of Denmark
Demetrius -- Archie Kennedy
Hermia -- Lola Sanchez
Helena -- Stephanie Brown
Theseus -- Dr. Richard Papen
Hippolyta -- Hedwig Robinson
Nick Bottom -- Strong Bad
Peter Quince -- Professor Ford Prefect
Francis Flute -- Molly Michon
Robin Starveling -- Erk
Tom Snout -- Robin Goodfellow
Snug -- Dr. Zoidberg
Philostrate -- Bert
Egeus -- Dr. Q. L. Killjoy
Peaseblossom -- George Weasley
Cobweb -- Bill Door
Moth -- Mayday Parker
Mustardseed -- Tomo Takino

Rehearsals start on July 26th at 5 PM, in the empty classroom on the third floor, east wing. Do not be late or you will be fed to the cast.


And so, one week later, Geoffrey sat in the empty classroom on the third floor and waited for his cast to arrive. The room was dominated by three long tables, forming the shape of a U, with an open space behind them. Geoffrey was seated at the bottom of the U, hunched over a sheaf of notes, scrawling quick, last-minute notes on them before the others got there. He'd lost a week of work thanks to the whole Twelfth Night debacle, and as a result things had been a little stressful for him since the auditions. Ellen had been weirdly helpful, but still... he was kind of nervous.

It didn't help that this play, this particular play, was the very last play the last Oliver Wells, Geoffrey's one-time best friend, mentor, and later personal ghost, had put on before he'd died. That wasn't helping at all. He kept expecting the man to show up again to help out -- he almost wished for it to happen, because he missed him, but the thought made the hair on the back of his neck stand up anyway.

Casting one last worried glance at the door, Geoffrey bit his lip and scribbled down another note. Oliver, Ellen, Bun-Bun, the cast... someone had to show up soon.

((Hi again. Okay, so, as Geoffrey is a genius and I am not, and he is all super-brilliant about Shakespeare and... I am not, I think it would be for the best if we kind of maybe glide past the actual bits of play stuff. >>;;

So I thought we could have everyone show up and mill around and meet each other, and then they can sit down for 'rehearsal,' at which point if you have any particular extra-special thing going on (like, say, Robin throwing a temper tantrum) you can do that, and then we can pick up at a break or at the end of rehearsal (or both). I hope this is cool with everyone, you really do not want to see me trying to direct Shakespeare. XD;))

francis abernathy, stephanie brown, geoffrey tennant, kelly kapoor, robin goodfellow, george weasley, rp, ellen fanshaw, archie kennedy, lola sanchez, molly michon, bert the chimney sweep, camilla macaulay, dr killjoy

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