Application: Algaliarept (Kim Harrisons' "Rachel Morgan" series)

Jul 04, 2007 16:51

Algaliarept wasn't typically into the business of traveling long distances - Cincinnati and the Hollows bred more than enough people willing to deal with him - but, he felt, desperate times called for desperate measures. 'Times', in this case, referred specifically to the growing lack of those willing to do deals with demons. They were getting ( Read more... )

maia, algaliarept, jenks the pixie, stephanie brown, pam beesly, mel beeby, application, rachel morgan, yellow-eyed demon

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not_a_bug July 4 2007, 13:30:03 UTC
Oh, man, this thing had to be joking. He could dress in a damned rubber suit and a clown nose and Jenks could still tell that foul scent anywhere. A demon was hard to pick out, he'd admit. Not nearly so hard when one happened to be a pixy, of course. Not only did a pixie have to get close enough to somebody in order to make 'em cross-eyed from talking to him for too long - hence picking out red eyes through tinted glasses no problem - but this guy stunk of ley line, sulfur, and general suck-age.

Could he smell that last one? Ahh, maybe that was new.

"Hey, asshole!" Jenks announced in a loud, rude, sort of bellowing voice, flickering in out of nowhere with his wings flaring with an irritated red. "Think this castle's filled up on its demon quota for now! You can turn your ass around and skedaddle out, yeah?" He knocked his fist against Algaliarept's forehead, briefly, getting right into the demon's face with a pissed off expression of his own. "HELLO-O-O-O-O?"


phobophilia July 4 2007, 13:35:58 UTC
Algaliarept recoiled briefly, his eyebrows furrowed in irritation above his glasses as the pixie rapped on his forehead. It didn't come anywhere close to hurting, but it was still irritating. On the other hand, and this was just marvelous, this seemed to be the pixie that kept company with Rachel Mariana Morgan.

The irritation faded into curious amusement, and Algaliarept removed his glasses, tucking them into an inside pocket on his jacket. Jenks' anger did nothing to sway him. "I can't get anything by pixie noses, can I?" He mused.

He took a moment to sift through memories - nothing intrusive, simply something he could do without being caught - and then smiled, apparently politely. "And how is your wife?"


not_a_bug July 4 2007, 13:44:09 UTC
"Damn straight," Jenks growled, waving his hands in a universal shooing motion. "And you're still not listening."

Wife? Either it was taking a shot in the dark at the fact that he could possibly have a wife, or this thing was doing, well, what demons did best. Anywhere else, Matalina would have been within the two mile radius and Jenks would've fumbled out some lie about being a single guy, thanks for rubbing it in, asshole, sheez. But here... Matalina was miles away. For the first time, at Hogwarts, he felt SAFE smarting his mouth off to whomever he wanted. Until she showed up, of course.

...IF ...she showed up.

"Why, think she's hot?" he replied in a snarl nonetheless, folding his arms in a rather authoritative manner. "She doesn't do that swinger stuff, sorry. Better hit on someone your own size, git."


phobophilia July 4 2007, 13:56:49 UTC
Rolling his eyes to the ceiling, Algaliarept sighed the sigh of martyrs everywhere. It was so frustrating when his questions where never answered properly. "You got the answer wrong," he chided, a hint of warning entering his tone. He wasn't about to stand around being yapped at by a pixie.

Without warning, too quick to avoid, the demon reached out and enclosed a hand around Jenks. Though he took care not to crush the pixies wings - yet - the grip was nonetheless firm enough that Jenks wouldn't be able to escape.

Smiling coldly, Algaliarept leaned in close. Oh, he could use this little pixie; twist him and break him until he spilled out every single delicious detail about Rachel Mariana Morgan. "Tell me, bug, how long have you been here?"


not_a_bug July 4 2007, 14:48:08 UTC
Oh, fucking crap.

At least the dick hadn't gotten his wings, but, damn. He couldn't believe he'd let himself lose his guard like that. Even if he was a demon, he shouldn't have been able to swipe Jenks out of the air so easily. That was embarrassing, to say the least.

Jenks wriggled against Algaliarept's fist, furiously attempting to free himself from the thing's fingers. No such luck. Tink help him. "Go Turn yourself, asshole," he spat in return, automatically, his voice a snarl as he glared his eyes towards the demon. He thought he could get information out of Jenks? Well, he had another thing coming. Jenks wasn't weak. This thing wasn't going to get jack squat out of him.


phobophilia July 4 2007, 15:01:44 UTC
"Good comeback," Algaliarept congratulated mockingly. "Cursing. I find it so common, so predictable, so... alésage." He sighed theatrically again, and though his grip around Jenks' legs tightened slightly, he drew back a little, a thoughtful expression crossing his face.

What would it take? "What are you scared of, little bug?" Algaliarept studied him carefully, watching his angry struggling with a fascinated eye. It was no wonder Rachel Mariana Morgan was friends with this one - they had tempers to match.

With a thought, red mists of ley-line energy coalesced and reformed to shape out a giant spider, crawling down the demons arm towards Jenks. "Do you have regular fears? Death, snakes, being burned alive? Or how about dying slowly? Or never dying at all - being trapped and kept alive in constant fear and agony?" The demon scowled sharply. "I could make it happen. All of them. Talk."


not_a_bug July 4 2007, 16:37:24 UTC
Ouch. Jenks actually squeaked a little at that, writhing more furiously against Algaliarept's fingers. Any tighter and something was going to snap down there. Pixie limbs weren't exactly the most indestructible of things, especially in a six-foot-tall world ( ... )


phobophilia July 4 2007, 16:46:04 UTC
"Such bravado in someone so small," the demon grinned, watching in triumph as the fake spider seemed to be doing its job in being suitably unnerving.

He hadn't expected the little bastard to pix him; when the dust touched skin, Algaliarept recoiled, going intangible as an automatic reflex. Being able to shift in and out of tangibility was very useful sometimes - unfortunately, it also meant that Jenks was free of his grip. The spider, too, misted out of existence.

Distaste marking his expression, the demon wiped his hand on his trouser leg, resisting the urge to scratch at it. It would take a minute for him to remember the anti-pix curse that Ceri had twisted for him once. "You're more trouble than you're worth," Algaliarept frowned, though he wasn't too angry about it. "Useless beings, pixies. Too easy to snap and break, there's no fun in keeping them alive because they just whine all the time."


Vote: SO MUCH SQUIB D:< not_a_bug July 4 2007, 17:24:54 UTC
Hah. Jenks' spastic reflexes let him automatically explode upwards from Al's grip, in a flurry of pixie dust, his wings flaring to a bright crimson in the wake of the situation. Mother of Tink, what a bother. Still. Who said pixies were defenseless? This one sure wasn't.

"And demons," he shot back with an indignant ruffle of his wings, turning his expression into a full-out scowl. "Way too many skills shoved up their ass when they don't deserve it." Another flare of red ran up the veins of his wings as he buzzed angrily out of Algaliarept's reach, hands planted onto his hips. He was watching this one. No way in hell was he letting it get near Rachel or Ivy.


Re: Vote: SO MUCH SQUIB D:< phobophilia July 5 2007, 10:13:33 UTC
"How charming that you admit I have skills." Algaliarept narrowed his eyes slightly, his slit pupils constricting as he watched the play of color on Jenks' wings. "Such fascinating little creatures, pixies," he mused aloud, clasping his hands calmly behind his back.

The things he could do to this one, it almost made his mouth water just to think of it. He would be a wonderful bait for Rachel Mariana Morgan. Perhaps. "I wonder what would happen if I stuck your stomach with a pin and fastened you to the wall," the demon smiled. "Would Rachel Mariana Morgan come rescue you? You care about her, but it's a tricky thing to be sure that she returns to feeling. Maybe I could break your wings, over and over, until you could never fly again. I'd watch your back, pixie - I've caught you once."


Re: Vote: SO MUCH SQUIB D:< not_a_bug July 5 2007, 18:29:15 UTC
"It wasn't a compliment, cookie," Jenks spat in return, narrowing his eyes to the demon and resisting the urge to inch further away. Jenks was hardly one to shirk from a fight, but, damn, this thing gave him the creeps.

He might've paled in the slightest at the mention of Algaliarept's suggestion - hard to tell on a four-inch-tall pixie, but, damn - but it wasn't until Rachel's name was brought up that Jenks froze all-together. This wasn't just any demon. This was Rachel's demon. Oh, Turn take it. Jenks fixed the demon with a long, haughty stare, eyebrows slanting downwards with a whole new light of hatred probably oozing from his very pores. "What's a big, bad dickhead like yourself doing in these parts anyway, slick? Chasing after your girl? Aren't you s'posed to have a pimp cane or something for that?"


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