Delayed V-Day RP, part three.

Mar 18, 2007 12:48

Man, this is getting ridiculous. Part three, with part two here and part one here. Still them having sex. Talking a little too, but the snark is over by now. Warnings for graphic sex, mindfucks, etc. Hopefully this'll be the last piece of the RP.

"Treasure." The word was breathed into Terry's ear, then Ryuuji licked at the skin just below it before catching it between his front teeth and giving it a nip that was more of a reminder than anything else. I am here. I have teeth. I am dangerous and you are mine. I can hurt you if I want to, but only if you want me to. The words weren't spoken out loud but instead conveyed through the trail of biting kisses that he marked down Terry's neck, stopping only when he reached the collar and scraping his teeth over that to hear it sing.

The music made his eyes fever-bright, fire-bright, blazing like something unstoppable and inhuman. Both hands on Terry's shoulders, he shoved the other boy roughly, wanting to just hold down and kiss him, kiss him like he could burn the memory of the moment into Terry's mind with nothing more than force and desire -- kiss him like it was a brand and a promise at once, a seal saying 'MINE' over Terry's red, bloodied mouth.

The more Ryuuji pushed, the rougher he got; the more Terry gave. It was like akido or maybe something more basic, some key martial arts involving the push and pull of water. He keened, low and raw, eyes closed, pushing himself into Ryuuji's arms; baring his neck, his chest. Terry fumbled to push one of Ryuuji's hands down, past his shoulder, over his ribs to his hip. And once there, he hooked a leg around Ryuuji's and rocked wantonly.

Breath harsh past his lips, tears just under his eyelids. Terry wanted. And he felt ashamed for wanting. And he didn't care all at the same time. Burning like a line through him, enflamed but controlled by Ryuuji's hands. A soft, grating moan, pushed past where his teeth bit his bottom lip. Terry's lips parted; sound like static bursts of light exploding in the air between them.

Terry's hip fit perfectly into the curve of his palm, or maybe it was just that Ryuuji cupped his hand perfectly. He didn't care which one of them was responsible for it; it was perfect and that was all that mattered. Terry was perfect, and that was all that mattered. Terry, and the way he sounded, and the way that Ryuuji could feel the bone of Terry's hip under Terry's muscle and skin.

He pushed himself upwards, resting his weight on that one hand like a tease. Not enough to make the bone break, no, nowhere near enough, but enough to make him lean over Terry and exert pressure, pressure that promised and hinted and should hurt, even if it didn't hurt in the same way as the sharp snap of bone did. Eyes glittering, the gold all around them reflecting from his skin like he was made of something than flesh and blood and bone, Ryuuji smiled down at Terry and his smile was fanged. "Ask for it."

Something in Terry splintered and broke and it wasn't bone. Lost, trapped, shamed, desperate and needy. It echoed in his eyes making them haunted pools of blue. "Please." No stuttering, just a low even voice. Low without tightness or control. He took a deep breath, struggled not to close his eyes - and won. "Harder." He wasn't Terry right now. He wouldn't think of himself as Terry. Terry was separate. Terry didn't need this like air and water.

"Hurt me." Bright eyes but no tears and Terry tilted his head back, unable to look at Ryuuji while he said it. "Break me?"

The sound that left Ryuuji's throat could have been called a purr if it weren't for how harsh it was, sharp-edged like a billion bits of glass scratching against each other and spilling out of his mouth. Something like the bastard child of a growl and snarl crossed over each other, it rumbled against Terry's skin as Ryuuji sucked a kiss against Terry's throat, then moved just up enough to catch Terry's lower lip in his mouth, sucking at the wounded skin and licking the blood off it.

Even as he did that, he slowly increased the pressure that he was exerting on Terry's hipbone, bearing down harder but still not quite to the breaking point. So good. It would feel so good when he broke it, finally, but he wanted to let it be drawn out. Eyes green, glittering like jewels but lit up from within a desire so pure that it burnt, he watched Terry with a narrow-eyed gaze. No tears. No reason to stop. But...

"Look at me and ask." Command, low and velvet-smooth with that hint of roughness underneath. No broken bones unless Terry did as he was told.

Pain. Pleasure. Pain. Pleasure. Pa-Pleasure. Pleasure. Pleasure. Terry's ragged breathing was like sex. Soft, bubbling little moans. Inside the pants still trapped low on his hips, his cock twitched. So close. So...

Breathless, he almost wailed when the pressure stopped. He tried to move at first and entice until what Ryuuji had said penetrated into where it felt like his mind was splitting into two completely different versions. Treasure begged the moment he realized he needed to. "Break me. BreakmeBreakmeBreakme." The tone and need could have been 'Fuck me'. Mouth open, skin flushed, he met Ryuuji eye to eye.

But only for that moment.

So close. It looped in his mind. So close to perfect. So close to making all the confusion go away and not matter. Terry/Treasure's arms pulled Ryuuji closer. He was desperate. "Love you. Need you. Break me. Please break me. Break me hard, Ryuu - Dragon. Please." He kept his mouth near Ryuuji's ear.

Ryuuji's slow smile was something beautiful and terrible at once, lips smeared with Terry's own blood and curling upwards as they parted just enough to flash a hint of fang again, the little too-sharp tips to his canines that were just a tad too long to pass for human. Slowly, he licked over his lips, watching Terry, hearing Terry and knowing this wouldn't be something he'd ever forget. Ever.

One hand drifted lazily over Terry's face, slipping down from his cheek to trace around the edges of the collar, top edge first and then the lower one, talons slipping out to skid over the skin like it was in danger of slicing through the thin epidermis any moment. It wasn't, of course. Ryuuji remembered his agreement with Terry, but oh, to watch the skin pink up as blood threatened to come through...

He drew his hand away, then pushed Terry down once more, "Stay." Because he wanted to have Terry spread out properly beneath him when the bone snapped. He wanted to watch the reaction go right through his entire body.

And because Terry had moved and pulled him down, and that wasn't what he was supposed to do, Ryuuji decided that Terry should have to repeat his pleas while staying still this time. "Try again."

Disappointment almost made him cry. Almost. Except that crying is something 'Terry' would do. Treasure knew better. Treasure needed to be broken and crying would make it all stop. He sighed, half frantic with wanting, lower lip trembling. "Please." Voice a soft whisper. He was trying not to even tremble. "Please break me. Pleasepleaseplease. Please Ryuu." He licked his lips, caught himself worrying his still bleeding lower lip, and stopped.

The tease of the pressure had made him hungry for it. Nothing mattered but Ryuuji and that feeling that would come any second. "Please?" Eyes wide, bright. He wasn't going to cry. He wasn't. A tremor in his voice now, reedy with need. "Push. Snap. Break. Please. I need it. Need you." Burn from head to toe, his cock feeling too heavy and too hard and too swollen. "Break me and play with the bones?" What would he need to say to make it happen. It had to happen. His hip felt bereft. Shivering hit him then, hard, making his teeth clatter together. "Break me and fuck me. Please Ryuu. Do it. Please."

No more reasons to draw it out. Terry was begging better than Ryuuji ever thought that he could (and yes, he'd thought about it, imagined it, wondered what it take to make his treasure just surrender like that). Voice so needy that Ryuuji couldn't resist, the sound of the whispered please sending a thrill down Ryuuji's back that he didn't even feel as anything except a lick of fire to add to the twisting pool of heat in the pit of his stomach.

His eyes narrowed just a little further, eyelashes black spikes over the black, dilated pupils that were ringed with green, and Ryuuji pressed. He'd been increasing the pressure all the while, then had stopped and held it steady. It took very little extra to tip it over the edge and just make the bone snap with that satisfyingly solid sound which had him sucking in a breath even as his eyes remained steady on his treasure, not focused solely on Terry's face but rather, on all of him, the muscled body still mostly dressed and the blue eyes so very desperate.

"..." Terry's thighs tensed then relaxed. His stomach followed the same pattern. His hands made futile fists and then gripped into what he was lying on. All it was, was delay. The sound had hit but nothing else.

And then the second was over. He blinked rapidly, inhaled and made a sound like sex - low, sweet, slightly grunting. As if all the air in his lungs had been pushed out by two sets of hands on his chest bearing down. Terry's cock twitched, twice, three times and he could feel something spurt-slick against his skin and damped in a spot on his pants.

Sweetfire. From the break, along his spine to his cock and his brain all at once. "Please..." Half breath and pleading. So good. So good. He blinked again. He couldn't cry. No matter how good it felt. Treasure bit his lip and forced himself to find Ryuu's eyes. He forced himself to arch that side of his body and press the break against Ryuu's fingers. Pleasure like a knife - like drugs making him incapable of speech. His lips moved but didn't make any sense. Just the 'pl' form over and over again.

Ryuuji pressed his fingers down against the break, feeling the edges of it under his fingers, the way that the hardness just sort of split into two under the muscle and skin. His eyes glittered, hungry and fixed on Terry like he couldn't look away, wouldn't look away even if the world was ending right behind him. So pretty. So very fucking pretty.

So fucking pretty and his, all his.

Better than any drug, and the way that white teeth looked against the bleeding lip was hypnotic in itself, even without the sound - the begging. The quiet little repetitive pleas that made him lick over his own lips like he could taste the sound of Terry begging, the stuttered sounds that had him curving his fingers down against Terry's body in little pulses of stabbing, changing pressure that matched his heartbeat and Terry's both.

He writhed. He was melting and stretching on the inside and Ryuuji only fueled the fire with his little stabbing squeezes of sweetfire pleasure. Terry licked his lips and risked a hand over his cock, pressing and stroking with the heel of his hand. "Ryuu." Shifting his hips, making himself rock his pelvis combing normal pleasure with the fire and the break.

Terry's breath stuttered out. Garbled half syllables of 'Touch me' and 'Fuck me'. Mixed with sweet high gasps. "Need you so much." He had too many clothes on. He moved his hand to tug at his shirt, then paused, looking at Ryuuji and waiting.
"Go on." Ryuuji said generously, sitting back so that he was leaning away from Terrry, shadow cast over Terry's body like a spill of black-gray silk, or perhaps light filtered through it so that it was all shape and no substance. Ryuuji licked over his own lips, the hand on Terry's hip shoved under the cloth of the shirt already so that he wouldn't need to take it away while Terry peeled his clothing off. "Strip, treasure. I want to see all of you."

All of Terry's beautiful skin and muscle and strength and submission. All of the flush that he knew was spreading under Terry's skin and pushing out like red-pink petals, flowering blush that can't be faked and that was such a giveaway for what Terry was feeling. Beautiful, broken open treasure. His treasure. All his. All his.

Static white noise and then Ryuu's fingers moved and the pain-pleasure was something he'd been waiting for - something addictive. Terry cried out, soft and shivering with it as he slowly pulled his shirt up and off. It ruffled his hair, leaving bangs falling over one eye. His hands shifted to where his pants were caught on his hips - not wanting to lose the connection of Ryuuji's hand.

The touch was so important, the burn and the pain, the thought of losing it left him with tears in his voice, even with his eyes dry. "Ryuu?" Terry writhed in place, nipples peaking and a flush under his skin rushing like a wave past his hips and the hinting tuft of black hair before his pants hid his flesh from view.

"Still here, Treasure." The words were murmured, low and reassuring as Ryuuji gazed rapturously down at Terry, fascinated by the way that his treasure just looked at the moment. The sound only made it better. Kneeling between Terry's legs, he reached out and stroked him through the cloth of the trousers, touch unbearably light and gentle in comparison to the pulses of hard pressure that Ryuuji kept forcing against the broken bone of Terry's hip.

He drew his fingers upwards over the cloth-trapped erection, stroking continuously in the same direction, and watched Terry with unnaturally bright eyes before taking his hand away from there but pressing down viciously hard over the broken bone, "Can you come from this alone?"

"Yesssss" Soft to loud, gentle to harsh. The sound jerked out of him like a ribbon of need. Ryuuji's hands. Perfect. Touching. Terry's eyes were full dark, rim of blue.

Ryuuji's grin was feral, wild and hungry like this was feeding a side of him that he wouldn't normally even admit existed. This was too good. Too perfect. Ryuuji couldn't see any reason to not just go with it even if he had, he would have been tempted to just close his eyes and continue ayway because Terry was enjoying this and so was he and a little hedonism never hurt anyone.
Without hesitation, pressing down on Terry's hip and feeling the broken bone stab inwards and give way under the force of his hand, he commanded, "Do it."

Pain. Command. Need.

Terry shook his head from side to side, the last fragments that separated Terry from Treasure dusted and disappeared. Treasure, mouth open, jaw trembling, felt his cock twitch frantically in his pants.

Slick-hot. And again. Pressure against the material. A spasm of pleasure counteracting the sweet pain fire at his hip. His lashes damped but he blinked back any tears.

He wouldn't cry. Couldn't cry. Dragon hadn't asked him to.

Red flushed his chest, darkening his nipples as he fell back from the arch, a soft. "Yes Ryuu." Slipping past his lips as his cock gave one final trembling spurt.

...Wow. He'd had actually done it.

Ryuuji hadn't been entirely sure if he could, even though he'd given the command and knew you weren't supposed to set anyone up for failure without a clear idea of what would happen if failure occur. Except the command had worked, and that made the darkness of his eyes somehow deeper, the emerald-bright iris that ringed the dilated pupils seeming to nearly glow with pleasure.

Slowly, carefully, he eased up on the pressure and stroked his free hand down the other's thigh, soothing him before he brushed that hand up the center of his chest and touched the collar, petting the dragon pendent flat against the red-flushed skin it rested on. The praise didn't come in any human language, throat twisted beyond dragon charm into something deeper, still smooth but jagged underneath it like fangs concealed behind a smile, and it was voiced lowly but sincere, "{Good treasure. Pretty treasure. You did well. I love you.}”

Everything in Terry tensed at that voice. And his eyes widened. The soft petting on his chest made a counter-point to the voice that made his body try to give just a little bit more. He shook, cock twitching in an after-shock of pleasure.

Eyes wide and vulnerable - open to his heart - he looked to meet Ryuuji's gaze with his own. Ryuuji the sudden focus of his entire world. "Love..." Terry's cheeks flushed then, with what little blood wasn't pooling to redden his stomach as his cock gave up its blood. As if saying 'I love you' without Ryuuji's permission to speak would ruin everything somehow.

"I love you." Human words now, but still sounding like it shouldn't be, lower than usual and with that hidden burr to it that didn't quite roughen his voice but instead, gave the idea that there could be something like roughness under the surface. Ryuuji smiled with his eyes and mouth both, the wild, fierce grin having softened into something gentler, and smoothed his hand down Terry's chest again, touch sure but gentling now, stroking him to something like calmness.

Guessing at what had made Terry silence himself, since after all, he'd stopped Terry before for moving without permission, Ryuuji paused on the downstroke of his hand, fingers tapping at the center of Terry's throat lightly, then went back to petting him in that repetitive, reassuring motion, "You may speak."

"Love you." Terry, fully in a Treasure mindset, whispered it. He turned his face to try and nuzzle Ryuuji's fingers but they were already gone. "I'm still broken, Dragon. Will you...?" Pink cheeks again and Terry's lashes lowered a bit like a school girl's. He still wanted.

Under Ryuuji's fingers his chest moved in tiny, precise movements. A flash of deep pink tongue revealed itself as he licked the few drops of blood on his chin. His lip was still raw but no longer bleeding without his teeth holding open the wound. And one of his hands was cupping the broken hip, stroking delicately as if teasing the nerves there. "Will you?"

It was tempting to ask Terry to clarifiy -- to make him say it -- but Ryuuji was trying to take the intensity down. He'd broken Terry's hipbone. He'd been given that as a gift.

Loopholes were one thing but there was a point to which playing the game of trick-and-take didn't apply. This was serious, and it was Terry, and Terry was important to Ryuuji. No doing anything that Ryuuji would end up feeling guilty for or that Terry would regret. So instead, he smiled and continued to stroke Terry's chest with a slight shake of his head, eyes still blazingly green, "No. That's enough for today."

His other hand finally left Terry's hip and touched the other male's cheek, cradling it delicately with the palm of his hand, "Je t'aime."

No more? Enough? Terry's face showed emotion crushed into a million pieced. Rejection beginning to facet across his face. "No?" The single word a lost, unloved, desolate sound.

He turned his head to kiss and lick Ryuuji's hand. "But... Broken for you. Bleeding for you." Another kiss, eyes wide, pleading, begging; wondering if he'd been really good enough.

"Need you." Burn tingling his skin, making him feel hollow and craving. His voice a whisper. " Bone. Flesh. Yours. I can do it. Let me do it. It's not complete until you fuck me. Please, Dragon. Please."

He purred into Ryuuji's skin. And then his mouth opened and sucked in Ryuuji's thumb, with the merest graze of teeth; tongue working as if the nerve endings there connected to Ryuuji's groin and together they could override his brain.

It felt like Terry was sucking the blood right out of him. Blood and bone marrow, all pulled into Terry's mouth and taken inside him. Ryuuji took in a quick, shocky breath, eyes narrowing, and pressed his thumb down against Terry's tongue, trapping it and stopping him from being able to speak or tease the skin there as wickedly.

"Treasure." Softly spoken, but a command of sorts still, a demand for Terry's attention. "Enough."

This wasn't a rejection, and Ryuuji meant to make sure that Terry didn't think of it as one. Voice soft as he could make it, gentle and reassuring, he rested his hand over Terry's collar and dragon pendent, "Kiss me. That'll be enough. You were good. Beautiful, shining treasure."

Terry blinked. Then obediently, eyes somewhat downcast, he pushed up a little to see if it was allowed or if Ryuuji was going to come down so he could kiss him. Both aspects of his personality, quietly convinced that 'Enough' meant that Ryuuji had seen more than enough. That Ryuuji didn't want anything more.

How could he be good when they were stopping halfway through?

He blinked again. And then a second and a third time. Crying still wasn't an option. Terry tried to smile. He put a hand up to where his pendant hung at his throat, trying to remember how to be independent and not care.

Okay, this was starting to rapidly swing out of control. Then again, Ryuuji had to admit, he hadn't really been in control since -- since -- they'd never made the cookies. He'd gone back on his decision about waiting.

He didn't want to go back on this one as well.

Leaning down, letting Terry move up, he kissed him softly on the lips and then pressed a hand to Terry's broken hip, touch as light as it could be, "Terry. Terry', it's okay. Thank you. You were beautiful. You are beautiful."

Reassurance, because they needed to break scene and it hadn't been something that they'd consciously discussed or started and Ryuuji wasn't exactly sure that Terry even knew how to do that. And if he didn't, did that mean that Ryuuji had to figure out a way to explain it to him?

The kiss was gentle and tempered. The moment Ryuuji touched the broken bone, however, Terry was more than confused again. He moan-murmured into the lips kissing his.

And then to his slight horror and shame started shaking. Biting his bottom lip again, Terry tried to control it. But why was Ryuuji being gentle? Didn't he feel the burn anymore? How could he just stop?

The questions spun themselves into hiccups and sobs that Terry quashed, ruthlessly. He coughed instead and squeezed his eyes shut; trying to nod and say yes and not give anything away.

"Terry?" The question was very, very careful, Ryuuji started to get worried about him. He withdrew from the kiss and gently, one hand on Terry's shoulder, pulled him closer, trying to get him to sit up while still heeding the broken bone that Terry had. No jarring it too badly.

Eyes soft and concerned, burn having twisted into a high flare at the sound of snapping bone and then abruptly dropped down low to a simmering, ember-like level, Ryuuji managed to stroke a hand down the side of Terry's cheek without making it anything more than reassuring and soft. The closed eyes had kisses dropped on them, Ryuuji more than a little anxious about what was happening, "Terry, what's wrong, precious?"

'Precious'. It made Terry's eyes open. He half shook his head, seeming confused and oddly mis-focused. As if he couldn't quite find what he needed to find; thoughts, actions, words. "I thought..." He shifted then hissed. The pain-pleasure, sweet-fire of his broken hip was feeling more pain than pleasure the more Ryuuji asked him to think instead of just feel.

"..." No words agan and Terry nuzzled the hand against his cheek, trying to find a way to think and talk without losing the feeling. He frowned finally. "I can be Terry or Treasure. Not both." His gaze fell to his hip which was now purpling darkly with hints of magenta and specks of fuchia. Any minute now the pain would hit. The thought of that felt...empty. Alarm hit his eyes. What had he done?!

"Okay." Ryuuji nodded his head, dark strands of hair swinging in front of his eyes as he continued to hold Terry as carefully and protectively as he could, "Right now, can you be Terry, please? I love you either way, but I don't want you upset because I'm not going to fuck you right now, okay? We just didn't get a chance to talk about any of this before, and I don't want to push further than you'll be okay with later."

He kept his tone calm, even though he internally winced at the alarm that flooded through Terry's eyes. Maybe it was too late to worry about that. Quietly, he commented, "You already look like you're starting to panic..."

Terry shook his head slight. It was all crashing down hard. Disappointment swam in, bring pain and he hissed again, trembling slightly in shock because damnit - his hip was broken.

"You... how I was...?" Terry shivered and swallowed, trying to focus on the concern in Ryuuji's voice. "You didn't stop because you didn't like it?" Flush again, on his cheeks and around his collar. But it was very faint.

At Terry's hip, blood pooled. Shark fragment pain shot through the soft blanket of pleasure and inability to think. Terry clenched a fist to help him stay on track. Ryuuji wasn't disgusted or upset or ashamed of him? Hope in his eyes, he wondered if he'd asked that out loud or not.

"I loved it. You looked beautiful. Incredibly so." Ryuuji smiled, and it was like sunshine and fire and starlight braided together into a lifesaving rope, tone soft and protective, "You still do." He caressed Terry's cheek again, touch gentle still, "You always do."

He wasn't going to let Terry think this wasn't about good enough. Terry had been noting short of fantastic. "You did really well. I'm proud of you." He smiled again, and brushed a kiss over Terry's cheek, voice low and tender, "Thank you for trusting me like that."

Gratitude and relief flashed over Terry's face like a sign. He reached up on his own to brush a kiss over Ryuuji's cheek and then followed it to wrap his fingers around Ryuuji's hand.

And then without blinking or taking a beat. "I always trust you. I just trust you more...sometimes." But if it's alright with you, Dragon. I don't think I like being broken when I can feel it. So, I'm going to pass out now."

With a sigh, Terry let himself slump back down flat, But his hand didn't let go of Ryuuji's.

"..." Had he just made his boyfriend FAINT? Okay. Well. In the interest of fairness, he had had people pass on out on him before. Occasionally from blood loss, even.

Well. Okay. Calmness was what was called for here. Calm, a clear head and probably getting Terry healed while he was unconscious so that he'd wake up to a distinct lack of pain, and maybe some chocolates. Chocolate chip cookies, even. Right. That was a plan.

Ten minutes later, he'd found his bone-healing solution, injected it into Terry, spread bruise balm over the wounds and cleaned Terry off. The trousers had been replaced by a folded cloth tied around Terry's waist like a sarong, and Ryuuji had draped Terry carefully over a pile of cushions with a heavy silk throw drawn right up to his chin.

Lying down next to him, Ryuuji cuddled up to him, ignoring the box of chocolates and chocolate milk that patiently waited in the chest packed full of ice to stop them from melting or going bad in the hot lair. He closed his eyes, one arm protectively over Terry, and let himself rest while waiting for Terry to wake up.

This had been the best Valentine’s Day ever.

ryuuji otogi, terry mcginnis, rp

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