A blonde girl in a brightly-colored costume came tumbling out of nowhere, flapping her arms like mad.
Spoiler’s death-journal, day whatever. I’m currently falling to my doom. Which is weird, because I thought I was already at ‘my doom’. Shouldn’t whole ‘Steph is dead’ thing be doomy enough? The apex of doom, if you will?
Shit! Still falling! )
Could you tell me more about the posthumous interventions, please? One dead girl to another?
Another deadgirl? Why would I get sent to a second afterlife?
"Hm. Kind of hard to describe. I just tend to come back when my friends need me. Not corporeally, just sort of a 'don't go towards the light' kind of deal."
So were you like in a limbo? I was, 'til I came here. The Hat made me solid again. If you weren't corporeal, how'd you make the interventions work?
"I don't think it was limbo. There were a lot of nice people there, lots of things to do. I got to hang around with the Blue Beetle- that was pretty cool. I just popped over to earth when I was needed. As for the interventions, all credit goes to the interventionees. I was just there to offer encouragement."
And now you're here. You know about here already, right? Or should I explain the whole Hogwarts deal?
"I don't, actually. Not well. Hogwarts sounds familiar, though."
Does mentioning that my old boyfriend had some of the movies create a paradox? I am so not a fan of paradoxes. Paradoxi?
"Magic school, four houses, and whatnot?"
The deal now is, students and teachers talk to you and vote on which house - there's four new ones for, ah, not ready for prime time applicants? but I don't think you're going there - and then the Sorting Hat makes the call. Bribery's kind of a big deal here now too. If I were you I'd save something sweet in the junk-food category for the Hat, it loves those.
Let's see - spandex in bright colors, aerial feats with no stunt double, gang wars and busting drug dealers, heaven's front lobby - I'm thinking Gryffindor, home of the brave, for you. Sound right?
"Oooh, sounds fancy! Sign me up! Can I offer you anything in return? I'll set something aside for the Hat, but there's plenty of junk food to go around."
Eenh, I think I'll take a magazine. What titles, and how recent are we talking?
"Good question." Steph pulled out a few titles. "These are all February 2007 editions. Wow. Is that what year it is? I've been gone longer than I thought. There's a Vogue, New Yorker, Time, National Geographic, Car & Driver...any of those sound good?"
Eep! Vogue, please! I'm 15 years behind the fashion times! *giggles*
"Sure thing! Enjoy, um- sorry, what's your name?"
Aagh, sorry. I'm Laura. Laura Palmer. Bad habit. Sortings get a little crazy, it's easy to just start talking and forget your manners, y'know?
"Don't worry about it! At least you have manners to speak of- I didn't even offer my name. Nice to meet you, Laura Palmer. I'm...hm. This is actually kind of awkward. Normally, I don't give out my real name in-costume. I don't know what rules apply here."
If you wanna start with your, ah, professional name and give out your real name as you get to know people, that'd be okay, I think. I know I wouldn't take offense.
"Oh, thank you for understanding. I just need to suss things out, make sure there's no consequences for the folks back in Gotham. For now, please feel free to call me Robin."
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