Gillian stood in the Owlery for quite a while, trying to decide what to say. After several moments of thought she quickly writes on the pieces of parchment she's begged from a house elf and warily approaches the owls. They proved to be friendlier than they looked - Gillian had always thought of owls as fierce-looking, despite the big round eyes - and she was able to tie her messages to the owls' legs with little trouble. She'd gotten Chance's last name from Carrie, but Simon's was still a mystery; but although Gillian felt a bit silly describing someone to an owl, the bird seemed to know what it was doing. She hoped.
I just wanted to thank you for your kindness at my Sorting, and to say that I hope to see you again, and to meet your sister sometime, since you were nice enough to say I was like her. I've been Sorted into Hufflepuff.
Thanks again,
Gillian Bellever
I got your last name from Carrie White - I hope you don't mind my owling you. You were so nice at my Sorting and said I might contact you, so I am just letting you know I am all Sorted into Hufflepuff.
Thank you,
Gillian Bellever
It was easier than she'd thought, so after a moment Gillian jotted another note and sent it off.
Mr. Jeeves,
As you predicted, I'm in Hufflepuff. I hope I run into you here sometime - you are one of the most thoughtful people I've met so far. Thank you.
Gillian Bellever
((Edit: oops! Thanks to whoever added tags - I am still getting used to this! :) ))