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prince_yero December 13 2006, 09:56:20 UTC
Fiyero was all too happy to come into his room, though he was intrigued by what a blush actually looked like on his face and focused on that for a moment. It reminded him once again he still was wearing only a nightgown and blanket, so he moved quickly to the wardrobe and pulled out his bathrobe, putting it on with the belt tied tight and the collar carefully folded over the neckline of the nightgown. Slightly better.

Elphaba's second question came out more like an accusation with his body's stern tone and disapproving facial features behind it, so any relief that she was calling him by his name was quelled by indignation. "Of course I didn't!" he said, the softer tones of the vocal chords belonging to her body making the words even more indignant. "I didn't even think you were here until I woke up like this, I thought you were off at camp with your fiance and his harem!" Now his words were an accusation, which was not entirely unintentional. Now that she was here, he could again feel the disappointment and loss he had buried prior to this when he had learned of her knew life.

As he was not looking at her in her body, it had yet to occur to him that this body was younger than it should be, that perhaps she, like Galinda and Nessarose, came from some point in the past. More than that, he had forgotten over the last few months that any information he had learned from Unc during their brief time together was best asked as a question, rather that stated as an accusation. The result of forgetting this was the fact he sounded very much like a madman.


wickedly_tragic December 13 2006, 10:10:26 UTC
Elphaba had been about to get more irate, demanding answers. She was not used to this, being in someone else's body--her own was confusing enough. However, when she heard Fiyero bring up the mention that she was supposed to have a fiance, and be part of some camp harem, she was stunned. More than that, the disappointment and accusation coming from him in her voice was more than a little bit concerning.

"Wait...what?" She frowned, crossing her arms across her chest. "Just what is that supposed to mean?" She had no way of knowing about about Unc's incredibly eccentric view of knowledge, or where Fiyero was getting his warped ideas from, and so she took it that Fiyero was mocking her. “That’s what you think isn’t it? Is that what the Wizard is saying? Is that the lies he’s spreading, or are you just making guesses?” She glared at him, something that was much harder to do when she was in his body and glaring at herself, but she did it all the same. “And you believe him.” She snorted, going to the desk to look through any paperwork there, looking for some sign of how to fix this mistake so that she could go back to hiding . “Typical. You empty headed Ozians will believe anything. Really…me…in a harem.” She snorted again, only to groan in frustration when her irritated actions knocked a stack of books from the chair they were sitting in.


prince_yero December 13 2006, 10:38:43 UTC
Fiyero was at once offended and relieved at the denial. That she thought the Wizard was spreading lies about her meant she was not as young as Galinda or Nessarose and that she should, if it meant anything to her now, remember rescuing the lion cub and their brief encounter at the train station. If there was a gap in time between them after that point, it would be less upsetting for him and perhaps this would be easier for her.

However, that she thought he would believe all those lies was offensive, and he reacted to that feeling. "No, the Wizard didn't tell me anything of the kind," he said, glaring right back, and managing to do a rather decent job of it in her body. "And just so you know, I've never believed a word of anything that has been said about you by the Wizard or Morrible. A student here told me where you had gone to, he knows quite a bit about everything."

Except when Unc had it all wrong, which, it was slowly occurring to Fiyero, might well be the case here. "So you didn't come to Hogwarts and then go off to a place called Camp Fuck You Die," he asked, glare softening into something far more hopeful as he walked forward to help her with the books she had just knocked over, "where you were engaged to some man named Gwendal who already had several other fiancees? Have you been here this whole time?"

His own question gave him pause and he waited, completely still, for the answer.


wickedly_tragic December 13 2006, 10:54:56 UTC
It was only the fact that she could tell that he had honestly believed this that saved Fiyero from another more fierce verbal assault. To be honest, it was the sincerity that she could see in him as well as the fact that he helped her pick up the books, an action that reminded her of how he helped her with the cub so long ago.

"Think about what you're saying." She chided softly. "First of all, that's not a real camp name, it couldn't be. No one would possibly spend money to go to such a place, least of all me. Secondly, no one, not even someone with numerous other fiancees, would want to marry a green girl with a temper like mine. Lastly? I would never be even remotely interested in someone named Gwendal...he sounds like a pompous arrogant man." She thought of the wizard then, how he was arrogant enough to lie to the entire land of Oz, and her blood boiled. "So whoever told you this information was clearly mistaken."

She stood, depositing the books she had picked up back in the chair with a soft thump. "So...the question is, how are we going to fix this?" She nervously looked at her feet, an action that wasn't nearly so comforting when the feet in question were foreign. She was ready to go back to her hiding private research.


prince_yero December 13 2006, 11:07:54 UTC
"You're wrong about that," Fiyero said quietly at the comment about no one wanting to marry a green girl, as he was the proof otherwise, but it was said too softly in this not-his voice to really be heard as he turned and went to the bed, intending to let her have the armchair near the fireplace. He gestured to the chair and waited for her to sit before seating himself, awkward with this body as he tried to keep the folds of the robe in place over everything.

"I have no idea, Elphaba, because I'm not sure how this happened," he said, crossing his arms over his chest only to uncross them and try to find a better place for his hands, finally placing them in his lap. "The only time I've ever been altered by magic since being here, I was turned into a kitten because of some magic cookies I ate. But I didn't have anything last night except my usual dinner and there haven't been any batches of suspicious foods being shared lately. Have you been out and eaten anything marked free for the taking?"

He fell quiet, studying her - or rather, studying his own familiar face while searching for answers it couldn't hold, about why she had been so hard to find all these months, why he hadn't been able to find her in all the time he searched Oz for her, and, more than that, what she knew of all he had been doing and why.


wickedly_tragic December 13 2006, 11:26:47 UTC
Unfortunately Elphaba missed Fiyero's words. It would have done her good to hear something like that, as her green skin was one of the things that made her doubt her own appeal to the opposite sex. She tried to make up for it with her studies and her passionate devotion to her causes, but it was still something that troubled her.

"Kitten?" She sat down in the armchair. A hint of a smile actually appeared on her face as she imagined how that must have turned out. The only thing that kept her from asking for more information about that episode (after all, Animals were of particular interest to her) was the fact that they still had not found out the cause of this particular mishap.

"No, I ate my usual last supper last night, and I have never really seen much of the free food." Elphaba, in her desire to remain unseen, usually just snuck down to the kitchens to take food and then ate it in her room. "So we still don't know how this happened..." She rose from the armchair, pacing once more. "Or how to fix this." She looked apprehensively over her new arms, paying particular attention to the hands. It was so surreal to see herself gesturing with hands that weren't her familiar green.

"Not the effect I was going for." She muttered to herself.


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