Han Solo, Star Wars (OT & EU)

Nov 29, 2006 05:46

*Han stumbled slightly, blinking in shock. Spinning, he snatched his trusty DL-44 from the holster, eyeing the room warily. This was definitely not Anoth, nor even Myrkr... for that matter, this place wasn't much like anywhere he'd seen. Well, maybe a little like that temple on Yavin but still, distinct differences... notably the lack of ships ( Read more... )

han solo, application

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mr_vera November 30 2006, 03:24:38 UTC
You wouldn't happen t' know a guy named Mal Reynolds, would ya?


first_shot November 30 2006, 03:28:04 UTC
"A who? Was he in the Alliance?"


mr_vera November 30 2006, 03:42:58 UTC
*affronted* Of course he ain't Alliance! I didn't think you were either, by the looks o' you, but maybe I was wrong. *looks suspicious*


first_shot November 30 2006, 03:45:26 UTC
*Han narrows his eyes at the man* "So you're Imperials then?" *He thinks to himself cynically, having expected this I knew it was too good to be true... hopefully they're just some bucket heads.*


mr_vera November 30 2006, 03:49:05 UTC
*looks blank* Imperial... what?


first_shot November 30 2006, 03:52:21 UTC
*Han arches an eyebrow slightly at the guy, but he's starting to get used to this complete lack of knowledge of his own home galaxy* "The Rebel Alliance, now the new Republic, and the Galactic Empire. The two sides had a big war about 5 or so, fortunately the Alliance won and formed the New Republic."


mr_vera November 30 2006, 04:03:13 UTC
I guess you're from someplace else, then. Where I'm from, the Alliance are the government, you know, the guys in charge, and they sure ain't never been no rebels. Now Mal, he was one o' the rebels, back during the war. You sure you don't know him? You kinda look like him.


first_shot November 30 2006, 04:06:02 UTC
"Yeah, I'm noticing a lot of that around here... Well, if this Mal guy's a rebel type he'd have fit in among us, certainly more fun as the Rebels than the Republic but no, I'm pretty sure I don't know the guy."


mr_vera November 30 2006, 04:10:38 UTC
Too bad... sounds like you woulda gotten along. Me, I was freelance durin' the war. Now I work for Mal on his ship, shippin' and smugglin' and th' like. The name's Jayne, by the way - Jayne Cobb. This is Vera. She's my favorite gun. *pats Vera affectionately*


first_shot November 30 2006, 04:15:55 UTC
"Smuggling?" *Han's eyes light up* "I was freelance for a while myself, still not entirely sure how I got dragged into the whole thing. And I'm Han Solo." *Han studies Vera appreciatively* "Very nice, I've got my DL-44, made a lot of special modifications myself." *He holds up the blaster so Jayne can see it better*


mr_vera November 30 2006, 04:22:41 UTC
*admires the blaster* Nice! I got a couple o' antique dueling pistols from Earth-That-Was back in my room, too - been meanin' to go target shootin' with 'em for a while now. I'll have to show 'em to ya after you get Sorted and such.

So I heard you got your own ship, huh? What's she like?


first_shot November 30 2006, 04:30:31 UTC
"Earth-That-Was? What's that mean?" *Han looks at Jayne curiously, he'd heard mention of Earth but not one that was, which he assumes means it existed in the past* "I'd love to see them, they anything like a slugthrower or are they blasters also?"

*Han's eyes light up even more if possible and a distinctly cocky grin curves his lips* "The Millenium Falcon, fastest ship in the galaxy. Use her for smuggling, she has these great compartments for getting past scanners. Pretty good sized too, have a lot of special modification that myself and my pal Chewbacca put in, laser cannons, missiles and the like. She makes 0.5 past lightspeed, saved my life several times. She doesn't really look like much, just a beaten up looking YT-1300 freighter but she's got it where it counts." *It's obivous the Falcon is one of the great love's of Han's life*


mr_vera November 30 2006, 04:35:56 UTC
Earth-That-Was... that's where we all came from. It got overpopulated an' such, so everyone took off for a new system. The Alliance was governin' things, an' some folks out on the fringes didn't like that, so they tried to rebel. It didn't end up too well, but there's some of us out there still fightin' the powers that be, y'know?

Sounds like a good ship you got there. My ship - well, she's Mal's ship, but Mal ain't here and I'm next in the chain o' command and... well, anyway, she ain't here either, but she's called Serenity. I wouldn't say she's the best in the galaxy, but she's a damn fine ship anyhow.


first_shot November 30 2006, 04:46:15 UTC
"Interesting, can't say as I know where the humans of my galaxy came from, there's several places that claim to be our homeworld." *Han shrugs* "Not that it much matters, it was too long ago for anyone to care, at least for me to care. But your Alliance sounds like our Empire. And I definitely do know, Force knows how long the Rebels were fighting the Empire underground before the actual civil war."

"Yeah, she's a great ship." *Han listens to Jayne's description and nods knowledgably* "Nice name, it's always a comfort to have a good ship under you."


mr_vera November 30 2006, 04:53:10 UTC
Alliance, Empire, it's all the same old gŏushĭ. Folks wantin' all the power and steppin' all over the folks who just wanna live their lives. Not that I wouldn't take Alliance money if they was offerin' enough, but they ain't my sort.

Oh, and the duellin' pistols - they're slugthrowers. Old flintlock pistols, real nicely made. Both single shot, though - 'cos if you was in a duel with 'em, you'd only be shootin' once.



first_shot November 30 2006, 05:00:26 UTC
*Han had no idea what goushi meant but it sounded like a curse and therefore was probably appropriate. He nods with a smirk* "Oh yeah, Empire was just as bad but sometimes they paid good money for things. And they certainly made smuggling profitable with their restrictions."

*Han cocks his head thoughtfully at the slugthrower description, he'd never really had a chance to play with many of those and it was quite and interesting subject* "Single shot? Well, like you say in a duel it comes down to the fastest draw doesn't it? *He smirks again*


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