Han Solo, Star Wars (OT & EU)

Nov 29, 2006 05:46

*Han stumbled slightly, blinking in shock. Spinning, he snatched his trusty DL-44 from the holster, eyeing the room warily. This was definitely not Anoth, nor even Myrkr... for that matter, this place wasn't much like anywhere he'd seen. Well, maybe a little like that temple on Yavin but still, distinct differences... notably the lack of ships ( Read more... )

han solo, application

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von_strahl November 29 2006, 05:57:19 UTC
Balthier raised an eyebrow at Han. "You've your own ship as well? Has it gone missing, I can't seem to find mine in this damned place either."


first_shot November 29 2006, 06:00:51 UTC
"Missing? I sure hope not! If it has there'll be hell to pay!"


von_strahl November 29 2006, 06:03:08 UTC
"Perhaps they keep all the ships in one place here," Balthier pondered aloud. "I've yet to find said hangar though."


first_shot November 29 2006, 06:10:21 UTC
"Maybe. Where is "here" anyways? Imperial Space?"


von_strahl November 29 2006, 06:16:16 UTC
"I doubt it, I've not heard of any empires currently ruling this world. There are certainly no bloody Archadians about." Save me, Balthier added silently.

"Apparently we're somewhere called Hogwarts, in the British Isles. Gods only know where that is."


first_shot November 29 2006, 06:24:17 UTC
*He looks vaguely shocked, but also pleased* "No Empire?" Well that's a plus, maybe Leia won't kill me.

"Yeah, lady over there said something about Hogwarts." *He gestures vaguely towards Laura* "But she didn't say anything about these Isles, just something about witches and wizards."


von_strahl November 29 2006, 06:30:50 UTC
"None," said Balthier. It was small consolation for the loss of an airship, though.

"Yes, this is a school for witches and wizards, though I get the impression that academics aren't exactly the prime pursuit here."


first_shot November 29 2006, 15:08:35 UTC
*Han sighs in slight relief, well at least this wasn't another "planet not in the Empire" situation... at least he hoped so. But it was definitely worrisome to not have the Falcon. He blinks and zeroes in on something Balthier mentioned*

"No academics? My kind of school!" *He pauses* "You say you had a ship also?"


von_strahl November 29 2006, 17:20:27 UTC
"Seems I've forgotten to introduce myself. I'm Balthier, captain of the Strahl. I made the mistake of traveling by teleport crystal one day and ended up in this place."


first_shot November 29 2006, 17:39:11 UTC
*Han smiles slightly and nods, another Captain he can understand*

"Han Solo, Captain of the Millenium Falcon. I.. well I'm not sure what happened. We were in hyperspace and then suddenly... we're here."


von_strahl November 30 2006, 04:19:17 UTC
Balthier gave Han a curious look. "Hyperspace?"


first_shot November 30 2006, 04:22:47 UTC
"Uhh..." *he thinks for a moment* "It's kind of an extra dimension. The hyperdrive allows ships to travel through it faster than light." *Han smiles proudly* "The Falcon will make 0.5 past lightspeed."


von_strahl November 30 2006, 04:25:41 UTC
"My gods," said Balthier in surprise, "What kind of ships have they got where you're from? They've yet to develop a ship that can go past the speed of sound in Ivalice."


first_shot November 30 2006, 04:32:54 UTC
*Han looks startled* "Really? Huh, most ships I know are equipped with hyperdrives, except some of the fighters, not enough room you know. Or they're expendable if that's the mentality." *Han frowns briefly, clearly not liking that idea. Though he had been in the Academy, during and after the war he'd seen how TIE pilots fared.. it wasn't good* "As for the kind, I'm not quite sure what you mean. I mean, we've got freighters, fighters, capital ships, and several others if that's what you mean."


von_strahl November 30 2006, 04:38:34 UTC
"I take it you're not talking about airships, are you?"


first_shot November 30 2006, 04:53:34 UTC
*Han shakes his head slightly* "Not in this case, I'm talking space ships."


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