Русский флот вернулся в Средиземку - неожиданные последовательности...

May 27, 2013 12:36

Прочитайте, не поленитесь, как политобозреватель Джим Дин (Jim W. Dean) из Press TV комментирует последнюю атаку израильских ВВС на цели в Сирии. Получите массу забавных минут, и особенно хороши комментарии, где в англоязычной аудитории только 1 из 140 поддержал израильтян. Все остальные так или иначе сказали - молодцы Россия и Китай, на вас вся надежда сохранения мира и стабильности на Земле!

There was a lot of distraction in the news last week, particularly the flank attack moves on Obama that obscured a huge development in the Mid East… the first return of the Russian Pacific Navy for Mediterranean deployment since 1992.

The first big part of the news is the active word ‘permanent.’ Corporate media decided to ignore the strategic shift consequences of that, and the West may be looking back soon at the wisdom their aggressive regime change military moves, despite the extensive use of proxies.
The recent Israeli attacks on Syria, particularly the use of a nuclear bunker buster gave the Russians a gift from heaven, opening the door to make a defensive deployment to protect their longtime ally in Syria. The Russians are back in the Med to stay, and this might be a good lesson to the folly of the Western slow motion aggression policy in the region, which has put a match to the whole place.
Russian Navy Commander Admiral Viktor Chirkov has announced that a permanent staff was being set up, and the present force might eventually include their nuclear submarines. In speaking to RIA:
“Overall, already from this year, we plan to have five or six warships and support vessels [in the Mediterranean Sea], which will be replaced on a rotating basis from each of the fleets - the Black Sea, Baltic, Northern and, in some cases, even the Pacific Fleet. Depending on the scope of assignments and their complexity, the number of warships in the task force may be increased.”
Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu let the cat out of the bag when he stated that a permanent naval task force was needed to defend Russian interests in the region. The world has watched for two years now how coolly Russia has dealt with the continuing escalations in the fighting there, supported by a growing number of outside states who have effectively declared war on Syria thinking that such was a no-risk deal.
Here is what corporate media has not been telling you all. The preemptive strike doctrine of the Israelis and Neocons is going to be challenged. Netanyahu can talk all he wants to about red lines which will trigger a preemptive ‘defensive’ strike, but yours truly has written in these columns that eventually the intended targets would adopt that policy themselves. They have actually been given permission to by the dummies who invented it.
US Navy sources can sneer at the ‘old’ Russian ships all they want to, but there is nothing old about what they will be carrying, a game changer… their state-of-the-art missiles which they made a top priority in their defense policy as the new missiles are revolutionizing the next generation of warfare. The will sweep the skies of planes and the seas of ships. Air forces are working now to deploy robotic war plane drones that are basically missiles themselves by matching their speeds and aerodynamics.
Part of the corporate media hoax has been the fraudulent story of the S-300s being ‘introduced’ to the region as being destabilizing. Anyone wanting to check a copy of Jane’s in 1996 will find them already in Syria. Maybe some definition game has been going on that if they were under Russian physical control, as American munitions are in many foreign bases, they are not officially Syrian. But I would ask the lazy media what they thought brought down the Turkish F-16 provocations, a waste of those unfortunate pilots in peace time.
Yes folks, the S-300’s have been there all this time, and not fired at Israel yet. But that is all going to change. Israel’s days of roaming freely over Lebanon airspace and their ability to launch air flight munitions without entering Syrian territory may be over, or it will be when the Russians decide to.
Their fleet, even its older ships will be carrying their state-of-the-art weapons like the S-400’s where a pilot only has two or three seconds to live once the ‘beep beep’ that they are locked onto at tremendous speeds. The Russian ships on patrol will be able to shoot any attacking Israeli planes down, including those returning to base post attack. They can even be shot down while taking off.
Any retaliatory strike by Israel would trigger a full response by the Russians that could include their bases and command structure. Their updated Iskander missiles are stated to have speeds in the Mach 6 to 7 range but our sources say over Mach 8. To evade anti-missile fire they can pull 30+ g turns and make a 90-degree dive onto a target while doing so. The Israeli bullies have never had to stand up to a modern military but they may get the chance. They won’t like it.
The beauty in all of this is the scenario described above could all be done in a purely defensive mode while resisting an Israeli attack. After one incident alone the Russians might tell the Israelis that any Israeli warplane leaving Israeli air space would be considered an attack and both the plane and the base it flew from subject to attack.
Oh… I forgot to mention above that the targeting can be done either by satellite or programmed into the missiles so jamming would not be effective. This is not the Gaza Strip mortar shells on a back yard rocket tube, which Israel claims to be such a mortal threat where they have repeatedly launched civilian punishment retaliations as ‘deterrents.’ The dummy Israelis did not realize that they were giving moral permission for the same thing to be done to them someday.
Veterans Today has reported that the US Army Corps of Engineers has been spending huge amounts of money building the Israelis nuclear strike proof command centers. More American taxpayer money was wasted to protect Israel, which has a huge weapons-of-mass-destruction inventory threatening everyone else. Under the Bush/NeoCon preemptive strike policy the Russians could have taken these out of ‘potential’ threats, and similarly the Patriot missile batteries.
As for accuracy, the Iskanders can take the Patriot missile batteries out the first day. And the Russians could surrender to the international court the next day on the grounds that their response was totally legal under international law. And if that did not suffice, their second defense would be the Bush doctrine of preemptive strike for defensive purposes… not to eliminate a future threat, but one that had already signaled its hostile intent.
If any of you are thinking I am hyping this scenario, I held up publishing this until I got confirmation from the Israelis. The headline of the Israel Hayom for May 19th was:
“Expect Israeli strikes on Russian arms shipments to Syria-Hezbollah… US officials tell the Wall Street Journal another round of Israeli airstrikes could target a new Russian transfer of Yakhont advanced anti-ship missiles in the near future.”
This was nothing more than laying the ground work for the IDF to continue aggressive strikes in support of the Syrian rebels. Note the automatic linking of Syria and Hezbollah like they share arms depots or the Russians let them give their arms away to others. Do the Israelis have US permission? Well, kind of. Obama said Israel has the right to defend itself, so that means others have the right, also. But the game is a bit different when someone is in the Med who has full retaliatory ability including nuclear weapons.
Oh, I forgot to mention something about the nuclear bunker buster that the Israelis used in Damascus. The Russians of course have them also, to use on their newer missiles to keep their weight down for higher speed or longer range, and to make sure one missile does the job. Despite Bibi’s claiming that Israel is ready for all eventualities, it is ready for none of this. And if the Russians responded to an Israeli attack, believe me the US would not intercede.
The US would be in enough trouble for having put the region in such danger by arming Israel to the teeth to a level its own population could never have afforded, nor would they if they could have.
When Israel suffers a substantial retaliatory strike after an aggressive attack on their part, I can promise you the average Israeli is going to have an instant different opinion of the bully buzz they have grown used to when attacking weak or defenseless opponents.
In the long run more than a few international civilian and military Intel entities have long suspected that this is what eventually would have to happen to remove Israel as a threat to everybody. They would attack the wrong people at the wrong time.
Nobody in the American military is going to willingly die for bully Israel other than maybe the Christian Zios in the Air Force. But that said, the world would be a safer place with them gone anyway.

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May 24, 2013 1:18 PM
According to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Russians lost about 60 millions of their people to Bolshevik Red terror, instigated and carried out by Jews and their lackeys. So the payback is long overdue, i.e. the rabid arrogant Zionists have to be pacified somehow.
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Snowy Smith South Africa
May 23, 2013 6:43 AM
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What's your take reader !?
May 22, 2013 8:17 PM
Well I think it would be well O.K by me, if the known biggest thug round the block got a dose of his own medicine....... "It's got to be the most understandable thing to happen".
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Goran Tecic
May 22, 2013 3:50 PM
Zionists never carry out any NUCLEAR TEST. Have they??? If that is the case, than the nuclear weapons where not developed by them. I claim U.S. government was blackmailed to GIVE the NUCLEAR weapons. Even the Nuclear Bunker Buster was not drooped by the Israelis, since they don't have any B-52 or B-2 required for a big bomb like this. Please consider this to include in your future articles. Kind Regards, Goran.
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Jim W. Deanin reply to Goran Tecic
5/22/2013 11:05:51 PM
Goran, You are correct that the biggest ones they have must be flown on the big planes, but they were developed to use against Iran's deep underground facilities. But because they could trigger earthquakes along a fault line these would not be used in the Mid East, but the 'regular size ones would'. Command center 'bunker busters', the tactical one, have been around a good while. If tipped with a mini-nukes they are one shot weapons. The West fears that Genie getting out of the bottle bottle but I am afraid it is too late. They should have known better, but they never do.
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May 22, 2013 7:18 AM
Beautiful article, Jim Dean. I always had have the idea of Russia"s capabilities, but never have a real source! You has show the scenario very clear to me.I don't like wars neither Injustice but I like the way the game is changing! These new actors are flourishing in Arts, Science and Economic grow so it means that they have a lot to show yet for future's societies.
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duncan lucas
May 21, 2013 9:49 PM
I have waited a long time to hear those words that I have to come to Press TV to hear them says a lot. Keep up the good work!
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Shocked 2 the corein reply to duncan lucas
5/22/2013 5:00:35 AM
Its about time, the tide turns.
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Oliver K. Manuelin reply to duncan lucas
5/22/2013 3:27:03 AM
I too appreciate the news that has been ignored by mainstream media.Ever so slowly, the curtain is being pulled back on the modern Wizard of Oz.
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May 21, 2013 8:47 PM
Mr. Dean has just put in Crystal Clear terms, what somehave been hinting at for a little while now. I found thisarticle some of the best reading I had, since I was a youngboy, I almost got lost, and became part of the story, likeI was there. Thanks Jim, and I'll be sure to read a lot more of youfrom now on.
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May 21, 2013 3:47 PM
Oh, thank you, thank you Mr. Dean for this article, I do so hope it is accurate. Reading it was like watching the morning sunrise, dispelling all my gloom and depression as I watched evil spread its darkness over the world.The Russians have finally drawn a red line in the sand. Like the Iranians, they play chess, and they are good at it. It seems they used the ?give them enough rope...?strategy to establish rules of the game that will be favorable to them. Now I can get up in the morning with a smile on my face!
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May 21, 2013 11:52 AM
If Russia provided some kind of advanced weapons to Syria then Syrian army can be finished USA/EU war game within days.Syria army has a moral capability to destroy its enemy.
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May 21, 2013 8:45 AM
Again it is time for all muslim nations to unite under one voice for justice, equality, humanity for sake of Allah subhanallah, to liberate Palestine and Jeurusalam.
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s musa
May 21, 2013 6:28 AM
In reply to Mr, Jim W Jean. 'Israel' doesn't need to be demililterized but dismanttled being a colonial project worse than apparthied S. Africa.
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May 21, 2013 5:14 AM
The Russians could supply Syria, Lebanon etc. with nuclear weapons if they wanted to - Israel has them. The Israelis do not want to take on the Russians because they would get seriously slapped. The US and its allies do not want to pay for any more wars regardless of how many times they tell the little weasel Israel that they will protect it. Israel should learn a lesson from history. In 2008 Georgia attacked South Ossetia, the Russians stepped in and Georgia lost the battle. Georgia was thinking that NATO would rush to its defence but they were totally wrong.
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Whoa! what an article!
May 21, 2013 4:33 AM
OMG what an article,,it made my knee's shake,,i cant imagine what its doing to the Israeli' mess with Russia is pure suicide..they would obliterate Israel in less the 10 mins..could the Israeli's be that insane?...i hope to god the US dont get dragged into this mess,,we shouldnt be anywhere near it and if the president thinks he'll stand behind Israel the military generals need to think about Obama as a commander in chief...we cant get into a nuclear war with Russia over Israel!
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May 21, 2013 4:3 AM
Do not underestimate Russia. If Israel were to attempt a nuke launch salvo, it's quite likely an overwhelming response by Russian ABM's, designed to defend against a much larger US arsenal, would shoot most down over Israeli territory.
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The Antichrist will fool many
May 21, 2013 3:28 AM
Orthodox Christians going back to the earliest Christianity are being killed in Syria by these so called rebels in Syria supported by israeel. So why do christians support israeel . Jesus wouldn't. He would side with the poor defenceless children being slaughtered by the Zionist/occult controlled Dark powers.
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Charlesin reply to The Antichrist will fool many
5/21/2013 10:23:36 AM
Well said, lets start with our family and friends first. The Orthodox or Estern Christians have been true to their faith all along, and can be relied upon to come to the aid of their fellow men regardless of faith. The Muslims and Eastern Christians have lived side by side for ages and must fight this NWO as one force. Zionists are the root cause of all the problems in the world.
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Military Pact
May 21, 2013 2:38 AM
Russia must form a military alliance with China and Iran. Only then will the region be safe from foreign goofs.
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stevein reply to Military Pact
5/21/2013 3:47:57 AM
Albert Pikes letter to Mazzini, Google it. Tells you everything that is happening and why they are doing it.
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Grim Reaper
May 21, 2013 1:44 AM
Death to the warmongers, their allies and all the terrorists they support! Death, death, death!
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May 21, 2013 1:14 AM
Folks, you wanna shorten the wars? simple, kill the financiers and all high placed personell backing terrorism, they are the ones paying and giving all the orders.
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white angelin reply to NWO
5/21/2013 2:50:37 AM
finally somebody smart enough to think about attacking the source. Go after the big zio families.
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It is I onlyin reply to NWO
5/21/2013 2:22:11 AM
Simple. Target the City of London, Wall St, All the top bankers, Rottenchild, Warburgs JP Morgan ect..ect.. with cruise missilles.
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May 21, 2013 12:57 AM
I am a little sceptical (i'm pro Assad btw), so far Russia has not done much, but, Putin is a highly intellectual man and could be planning something, Syria as not really asked anyone to join in the fight and are doing it alone, maybe the Russians asked if they needed help but Syria said no and everything is under control, otherwise, if Assad asked for help from outside then i bet many expat Syrians, Iranians, Russians and all pro Assad would have flooded the country.
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May 20, 2013 11:35 PM
If Russia did destroy military bases in Israel, I'm not certain if I could stop howling with laughter long enough to hear the details on the TV...
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Jim W. Deanin reply to Dave
5/21/2013 12:36:09 AM
Nobody is going to start WWIII over Israel getting kicked in the pants for barking up the wrong tree. Nobody wants to pay for it...including already reduced NATO budgets that don't have enough ammunition to start WWIII, and military people don't want to be living in tents for the next ten years. The biggest fear the Intel people worry about is a major false flag that would trigger a major response. Countries are so aware of this possibilities that they are not so quick on the trigger as you might expect, unless they are running the false flag themselves.
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bobin reply to Dave
5/21/2013 12:14:49 AM
I'm afraid to say if Russia would destroy some Israeli military bases that would start WW3. If WW3 would break out say goodbye to mankind, I'll admit I never back 100[[]%] of the USA doings around the world, but i just get too nervous listening/reading about so many peoples evil/insane views towards the world. I'm finally starting to believe this world has no more hope left for itself. Too much hate, too much hate.
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May 20, 2013 10:58 PM
Encouraging events Mr Dean. Hopefully with the winds changing in Syria and the Russian deterrent we will soon witness a de-escalation in the area. If Syria can kick out the foreign militants, and secure its borders, it will be a huge pivot point in the middle east. Cool heads will prevail. Great article.
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May 20, 2013 10:13 PM
Excellent article! All the suppressed people in the whole world desperately hope that the reign of terror of the criminal Zionist mafia entity will end soon. The world will surely be a better place without the criminal Zionist mafia!
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May 20, 2013 10:7 PM
Thank you for a very informative article. the zionist regime's days are numbered. Western media only reports what their governments want. journalism is dead in the west. thank you PressTV.
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May 20, 2013 10:4 PM
Excellent description, what you said it will happen, Oh., but wait since you are talking about Christian Zios, you forgot to mention the God of Israel, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
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JJin reply to Brenda
5/21/2013 8:53:58 PM
Brenda, with all due respect to you, Israel isn't a JewishState, it's the criminal headquarters of Zionism that usesJews as a 'Front', to commit crimes, like murder millions,steal land, launder money, sell drugs. But when you are critical they can hide behind those Jews. Bi Bi Netanyahu (from the Likud Party); doesn't look likea leader to me, he looks more like John Gotti from The Mafia, complete with his fancy ties and 127,000 dollar bedhe uses for 5 hours.
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Muslim Americanin reply to Brenda
5/20/2013 11:29:34 PM
There is no such entity as 'God of Israel', however there is a Mighty ONE GOD of all Humanity that is JUST and FAIR.
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May 20, 2013 9:49 PM
One thing that should be realised in the world situation is that the ancient zionist priesthood cult wrote what became the biblical texts. To reinforce the lies they have manipulated rulers to create the so called "prophecies" they fabricated. The zionist regime is using aggression to create the scene for their "apocalypse" prophecy - Gen 12:3. The so called wrath of god (their invented god that is) will be the raining down of nuclear missiles across the globe - in particular the northern hemisphere - this will be the "fire and brimstone". Just how deep have the zionist elite dug their citadels to survive the coming firestorm? They are an exceedingly sneaky lot and they have been planning world domination for thousands of years - they have used the worlds populations as slaves to build their power - once they attain their ultimate goal they will have no further use for so many slaves. It will not do to crush them in their citadel in Palestine - they will have to be crushed globally.
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Brendain reply to kongque
5/20/2013 10:08:58 PM
Mr. Kongque, that's good that you know the bible, so you know what is comming pretty soon., good.
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May 20, 2013 9:15 PM
Is Iran doing anything to support Syria? Why do you depend on Russia?
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jetin reply to India
5/21/2013 7:06:26 AM
oh dear, believe it or not, iran is the main supporter of syria and syria is fighting all by iranian experience and managing help!
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May 20, 2013 9:5 PM
What a wonderful and up lifting article by great author Mr. Dean, thank you!. Hope your predictions come true. Indeed , you have made many people's day with your dynomic article. For years many are pulling for the under dogs and hoping for a miracle to happen and to see the end of atrocities and bullying by criminals. Hopefylly this is the time. Thank you again!!
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May 20, 2013 8:56 PM
......In spite of optimism by Jim. W Dean in regard to Russian response..........One needs to realize although Russians been great in standing with Syria in this ATROCITIES imposed on them..........& indicate willingness to SHOW some MUSCLE ..........But, not so sure if they WOULD go as far as attacking Israel( which would be WISH COME TURE for MILLIONS in the MIDDEL EAST& Round the world).........Russian proven in the passed they cave in under western pressure...........But, lets hope with Putin, this time will be different???.......Syria needs to relay on Iran and other Muslim countries like Pakistan & Iraq & Lebanon.........Sadly each one them, for this VERY same REASON, R being TARGETED by sectarian salafi, Saudis extremists!!!........However, Russia having its share of Fanatic pro Saudi Muslim extremists........Might stand this time FIRMLY with Syrian Assad..........Meaning going all the way, including attack on Israel?....... Future will show, if that is the case?!!
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Ashrafin reply to Ashraf
5/21/2013 2:06:36 AM
.......Jim........haha....That is funny!!....... U R RIT, I forgot about the FORCED HAIR CUT, Russians GOT in Cyprus, thanks to zio controlled banks!
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Jim Deanin reply to Ashraf
5/20/2013 9:50:49 PM
Ashraf, It would not really be attacking Israel. It would be defending its task force. No commander in chief can send a Navy in harm's way without a commitment to defend his ships. To not do so would be a morale disaster and make deploying it's navy a joke. With the fleet basing out of Cyprus, it would not surprise me to see the Russians wanting some payback for the haircut they just took there on their deposits.
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May 20, 2013 8:51 PM
About time Israel got a taste of its own medicine,I have never known such a nasty vindictive race of people,it just boggles my mind that after all the horrors & persecutions of the Second World War,they have turned into such a threat to world peace.I feel so sorry for the Palestinian people being subjected to the kind of persecution the Israelis suffered at the hands of the nazis,sorry,maybe I just don't understand their agenda enough,I just wanted to register my support for the middle eastern people and hope their suffering & persecution will not last for much longer,hang in there,looks like you have a friend who goes by the name of Russia!
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