Nov 03, 2004 15:09
So here's the post-election update of an Irish liberal that I'm sure all of my Bush-supporting friends are waiting to read. So here it is.
I still hate George W. Bush.
There's nothing I can do about it though. America has spoken, and Bush is still the President. I could say a whole bunch of nasty things that I have in my mind about this President and everything, but I'm going to hold my tongue. Instead, I'm going to give my views on the Democratic Party's position before and after the election.
I don't think that the United States ever felt right about John Kerry. There never was that feeling around him of someone who could take us great places. There are several reasons John Kerry lost this election, and I am going to outline them below...
1. Massachussetts used up all its mojo. The Patriots had a 21-game winning streak. The Red Sox won their first World Series since 1918. Did you really expect a Senator from Massachussetts to win the presidency in the same year? Two out of three ain't bad.
2. John Kerry is not that cool. I like some of his ideas. However, he has a cold personality. George W. Bush has a double-digit IQ, but he comes across as your best friend. I've said all along that I'd love to go play golf or go fishing with Bush. I just don't want him as president. John Kerry is not someone I'd like to sit down with one-on-one. He's not personable enough. Unfortunately for Democrats, too many voters voted based on personality.
3. Too many Democrats voted Republican. If you go to, they break down how many registered Democrats voted Republican. In many states it was around 10%, and that is way too many. What John Kerry needed for this election was for all the registered Democrats to vote Dem and for at least 10% of registred GOPs to vote Dem. He won a majority of the independents. His own party betrayed him.
4. September 11. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. In the last four years, George W. Bush has done many things wrong. He's done few things right. But the amount of support our country gave him following the 9/11 attacks still carries over to today. Can you honestly tell me that had the attacks not happened he would have won a second term?
The elections yesterday were a resounding victory for the GOP. Tom Daschle lost in South Dakota, if you didn't notice that one. The GOP has a tremendous lead in the House, Senate, and governorships across the country. So where does the Democratic party go from here? I look to Barack Obama. He is the most likable and well-spoken Democrat there is right now. However, I don't think he's ready for 2008. The Democrats are likely going to run him in 2008, but I think he would be better suited for 2012. Had John Kerry won yesterday, he would run again in 2008. If he ran against John McCain, I would probably vote McCain, but then vote Obama in 2012. However, Obama is probably going to be pushed into the mess in two or three years, and lord knows whom he will run against. Some people say that Hillary Clinton might run for President, but I hope not. I feel about Hillary kind of like I feel about John Kerry. She's a cold northerner who is smart, but not personable enough. I don't think she'd win.
Anyway, all I can do is grit my teeth and bear the next four years. Until next time...