Mar 01, 2009 20:08
Dear Intertubes,
today for the third time in the appropriate numebr of weeks (which is incidentally three) our sewage system stoppped working properly.
Every friggin time this happens:
We use the toilet in the bathroom in a normal way (flush, use 3layer paper, don't throw tampons or whatever in, flush fully after no2 and even no1 since this problem is nothing new to us).
Now whenever I don't use the shower but rather use the bathtub (which I like to do sundays, as well as I enjoy being soaked in warm bubbly water every once in a while), and I'm done in there and pull the plug - within one minute, the water stops going down the drain and instead the water rises in the toilet (which is hooked up to the same pipe as the bathtub). A bubbling sound comes through the pipes, indicating that yes: Once again the thing is not working.
So if I flush then the toilet, water does not go down the drain out the street - no, it instead comes back up in the bathtub. Fuuuuun.
Third time in three weeks now. And so far this happened every. god. damn. three. months. here since we moved in.
So tomorrow I get our landlord, a high pressure cleaner and a long hose, stick that in there after once again taking the toilet from the wall, let the water do its job in the pipes until the drain works again for a short time, move the toilet back on the wall, clean the bathroom from all the nasty water spraying around while we clean the drain and: Get fucking annoyed by it.
Our landlord promised to take off the tub this summer and fix the plumbing behind it.
We will see, if he does that finally.
SO PISSED OFF. My first day off at home for a week, and this is the perfect start into it...