Jan 04, 2025 00:30
One of my most cherished memories is of you and I singing this at Pat O'Briens on a cool afternoon, drinking ridiculous drinks and generally in love with life.
And I cannot imagine a world where you are no longer a solid mass of humanity pontificating for the betterment of us all.
This is a grief quite unloke any other - says she of the endless griefs. The only things that make sense to me right now are to take care of me as you would want and to take care of those I love as you would.
As I always have. There isn't a part of who I am today you haven't touched, shaped, enabled, encouraged.
I want to be here for you - and I don't know how, except I've always figured it would be my honor and responsibility.
I doubt R knows what it means that he haunts a space shared by you. Hell, I'm not sure I know. But I suspect you do.
I struggle with uncertainty and even jealousy not being there. I am also moved by the beauty of my friend finding a sense.of a family and braving love again. It is so much better you have lots of folks to love you.
It is, quite beautiful.
I hope to hold your legacy close and honor it with my life.
But you aren't gone yet. I also hope for love and laughter and peace of mind.
Oh my dearest friend, this sucks.