My head is going to explode

Aug 30, 2004 10:22

Ok, so we all chuckled at the naked peope protesting bush in New York, but we were laughing for the wrong reason. Apparently, these people were wandering around chanting "George Bush, drop the debt and stop AIDS now."

Ok, lets analyze this. First, the debt isnt stopping anyone from curing AIDs. In fact, being massively in debt, in a wierd sort of way, frees us from fiscal responsiblity and allows us to spend more money on aids. How these people want to drop the debt and cure aids would requring curing aids WITHOUT SPENDING MORE MONEY! To make matters worse, Bush has spent more on AIDs than ANY other president. Now, this money won't make a difference, becuase AIDs can't be solved by trhowing money at it. In fact, asking a president to stop AIDs is a ludicrous demand. Short of invading and nationbuilding all of africa and central aisa there is nothing a president could convieveably do to stop aids, and we clearly don't have the troops for that.

The worst part is these people are obviously dedicated and CONVINCED they are helping, and making demands that are reasonable, feasible, and important. This is what really gets me about the vehement bush hatred. If you want to hate the man, fine. He's been a lousy president and doesn't deserve a second term, but HATE HIM FOR THE BAD THINGS HE'S ACTUALLY DONE! This isn't a president you need to invent stuff for. I keep half expecting Bush to announce that the sky is blue, then have Kerry run out, immediately call the sky purple, realize what he's done, explain it by saying that purple is a mix of red and blue, and since the sky is red at sunset, it averages out to be "Purpler than my purple hearts! Did you know I was a war hero?" And then have bush criticized for politicizing the issue of the color of the sky. Ok, from now on, everyone repeat after me, some things are true even if George W. Bush says them.
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