I'm going to attempt to write a review for every episode (bet I get bored and give up after two, lol).
To be honest, I can't remember much of what happened at the end of Children of Earth... I think Jack killed his grandson and then bogged off or something like that. I have ordered the DVD so I need to catch up on that.
If I hadn't already been a fan of Torchwood and I watched the first episode of Miracle Day I probably wouldn't go back to it. It was okay but it was nothing special and unlike series' one and two, it didn't stand out as a brilliant show. Maybe that's just because it was the first episode and lots of things need to be introduced, I don't know but it didn't grab me as much as the early series.
One of the things I was worried about was that it would seem to American and I think I may be right in that assumption. Even the scenes set in Wales felt like an American's POV of Wales and that doesn't really sit right with me. I loved how Welsh Torchwood was, that was part of it's charm but now I feel it has lost that.
Another problem is that it is slightly alienating to new fans. There are parts where you need to know the backstory for Torchwood (earlier series' and even back to Doctor Who). The Owen reference was sweet and sad but would mean nothing to a first time viewer :(
Onto the characters. Jack, Gwen and Rhys were awesome so that's good.
The new characters: I do have to admit I like Rex. Mekhi Phifer was great in ER because of his cocky charm and it's the same here. He made me laugh quite a lot (especially his "concern" over his colleagues wife's cancer). He can stay :D
Blondie: I didn't like her. I know her name is Esther but that was my Grandma's name and since she annoyed me I am not going to call her by my beloved Grandmother's name... She was really just generic blonde American woman #6759. There was nothing about her that made her even slightly interesting or unique. I want her to die a horrible and painful death for being so meh.
That's about it really... oh, I did love Gwen shooting the helicopter with the rocket launcher and the baby was just one of the cutest things ever.
All in all, I will continue to watch but so far I'm not overly impressed.