Character's name: Kalani Goodman, or Lani
Journal: good_lani
PB: Keisha Castle-Hughes
AIM name: pacbellagirl101
Birthday & age: February 10, 1986, aged 18
Occupation: Maid at Westin Lanai Resort
Any relation to the Westins or Cookes: No
Short bio of your character: Kalani is the child of two native islanders and was born and raised in Honolulu. She went to the Kamehameha School and excelled in her classes. She speaks conversational Hawaiian, French, and Spanish. When she graduated earlier this year, she decided to take a year off to get some work and life experience. She found the perfect job to gain her financial independence at the Westin Lanai Resort on the island of Lanai and moved there right away to start. She now works there full time while maintaining a small apartment in town.