(no subject)

Jul 10, 2007 12:50

Harry Potter Astrology!!!


(January 20 - February 18)
the Water Bearer. Fixed, air, yang - planetary rulers: Saturn and Uranus. Keywords: "I KNOW"
Aquarius is the eleventh house of the Zodiac and rules the circulatory system, shins, and ankles. Positive traits include brilliance, innovation, individuality, openness, social consciousness, inventiveness, practical skill, and self assertion; negative traits are eccentricity, lack of attachment to people and the "real world," over-intellectualizing of the emotions, a crotchety temper, rigidity, intellectual arrogance, and stubbornness.
Okay, I'm already scared at how accurate this is. Well, not everything, I do attach to people lol.

When getting sorted, I always get Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff votes so...

The stereotypical geeks of the magical world, Ravenclaw Aquarians are noted mostly for their genius. They are gifted theorists and inventors, and highly talented students. Most wind up doing pure research after graduating from Hogwarts. Their noses are always in books of esoteric lore. Some people may laugh at them, either for their unconventional lifestyles or (more commonly) because they are obvious nerds, but they don't care. While they can have sharp tempers, especially when they encounter ignorance or stupidity, these wizards generally mean well, and have a "live and let live" philosophy. Their wit is legendary; not everybody gets the Ravenclaw Aquarian's jokes, but those who are subtle and intelligent enough find conversation with an Aquarian Ravenclaw to be quite funny, in a satirical and ironic and irreverent sort of way.

Aquarians who are sorted into House Hufflepuff are introverted, but not shy; march to the beat of a different drummer, but don't wear their weirdness like a flag; socially minded, but highly critical of society. Confused? So are the Hufflepuff Aquarians, but they tend to sort things out eventually. Their minds lean toward the practical side of things - they'd rather invent new and useful spells or gadgets than dwell for hours in hot air theory - and the solutions they find to common problems are brilliantly on target. They like people and want to get along well with everybody, but are uncomfortable with intimacy; so they have lots of acquaintances but few close friends. They have the ability to laugh at most any situation.

I think I'm definitely a Ravenpuff.

it's a book! and a movie!:hp

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