There is a fic that I can only remember one scene of. It is likely Thorin/Bilbo as that is really the only fics that I read. What I remember is that Smaug died in/near the mountain so his body is either in or very near to the mountain's entrance. There was something dangerous, maybe toxic about his body being there. During the BOtFA Bofur and Bombur or Bifur ran into the mountain and did something that caused a flood of water to come out and wash Smaug's body away. I can't remember anything else about this fic, just this one scene that is stuck in my mind. Does anyone know this fic?
Edit: Never mind I found it. If anyone is interested it's Oh, Son of A----- by StrivingArtist Fair warning it's a self-insert fic, which I normally hate but this author did an amazing job and made it believable by including things like the language barrier.