My weird dreams continue.
I discovered from my sister that I had, in fact, been in a Simpsons comic, but had apparently forgotten about it. I found this undeniably cool that I had been drawn as a Simpson's character (well, it WOULD be cool) and set out desperately to find a copy of the comic, strangely enough, in a comic book shop in a swimming pool. Not actually in the pool, but on the side.
I'm not sure what the comic was actually about. On the cover, there was a bunch of us - including me - dressed as superheroes, in the same outfits as the Incredibles. But this other completely unrelated dream kept cutting in, and I'm not sure if it was supposed to be the plot of the comic or my brain couldn't make up its mind about what to dream about or what.
In the other dream, it was basically a cross between the old Star Trek episode where they end up on a planet with Apollo in a short spangly gold toga, and TT last year, because it was again us all at the mercy of spangly gold Apollo on an alien planet, only it was Dan Attfield as Xianius choosing succubi. I was chosen because Frankie pretended to have lost her succubi card (?!?!?!?!), and he already knew me and we were from the same planet. Which wasn't Earth, but Vijan 6 or something. But I ended up pushing him down a water slide to escape.
So, er, that would go with me looking for comics at a swimming pool, but otherwise they don't link up at all.
So I searched all the shelves of comics they had, and they had a LOT of Simpsons comics in no particular order, and I was getting more and more stressed because more comics seemed to be appearing all the time, and my sister wasn't helping complaining about wanting to leave and how it was a very popular issue and there might not be any left.
In the end my dream self was very sensible and went to the front desk to ask if they had any. Luckily the shop assistant knew exactly which one I meant when I said, "Um, it has me as a superhero on the front", and said they had had five copies, but I just hadn't found them and now they'd all been sold. I asked who'd got the last one, and she pointed out Bill and Ted in the corner. Yes, THE Bill and Ted.
I ran up and said I would give them ANYTHING in exchange for the comic. They said, "A trip to Burger King!!" And I was like, "That's it?? That's fine!!"
So we all set off to Burger King. Only now everyone in the swimming pool suddenly started diving into it at once, and splashing me and the comic, and I had to shove it under my coat and run for the exit. But by the time I got out, I'd been washed off the cover, because apparently old comics are crap. And my sister laughed.
In other news: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!