Mar 09, 2013 10:46

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More Than Meets the Eye, 3/3 rata_toskr May 30 2013, 21:28:51 UTC
Thorin woke to the sight of a stone ceiling far above his head and wondered idly if he was dead. But everything hurt too much for that and when he groaned, Dwalin's relieved face hovered into view. “Thorin, you're finally awake.”

“How long has it been?” He rasped, forcing words through his bone dry throat. “Who's been taking care of my kingdom?”

“Your heirs of course, who else? As regents only, neither would accept the crown while you still breathed these last three months.”

“My heirs?! And the kingdom is still standing?” Thorin tried to sit up, horrifying visions of Fíli accidentally trading Erebor to the elf king running through his head. While he was warmed by his nephews loyalty, he had no reason to trust their sense, not when the last he saw of them, Kíli was asking his brother if he thought warg-riding was as much fun as it looked.

However, the sharp movement pulled at his healing scars and Dwalin scolded him as he helped him lean back against the bed.

“If you don't stay put, Thorin, I am going to tie you down. Rightful King Under the Mountain or not, Óin will kill me if I let you re-injure yourself now. And you needn't worry about your kingdom for Fíli is well-liked as a ruler and his brother has an impressive gift with spywork and intrigue. Thranduil never knew what hit him.”

Under Dwalin's glare he settled even though the words he thought he heard couldn't possibly be true. Indeed when his nephews burst through the door, talking all over each other as they did when excited, the first sentence out of Kíli's mouth was, “Uncle, you're awake, did you sleep well?”

However, a moment later Fíli reached over and smacked his brother on the head, an air of responsibility about him which Thorin had never seen before. “The game's over remember. You're not allowed to be an idiot anymore.”

“I know that. But that's who he was expecting and I didn't want to confuse him too badly since he's just woken up.” Kíli responded snappily and his uncle couldn’t stop staring because he was, indeed, confused. Watching his nephews talk was like watching two familiar strangers for while their dynamic was the same, there was far more intelligence then the dwarf was used to in their eyes.

After one of their silent conversations, the two apparently came to an agreement for Fíli stepped in to explain. “We were originally going to ease you into this but that's not really possible anymore. So here's the truth. While my brother certainly has his foolish moments, neither of us are actually idiots. We were just pretending to be stupid so people would underestimate us and to find some amusement on the road.”

Thorin couldn't decide whether to be relieved that his line might survive after all or angry that his nephews had apparently been fooling him for decades, so the dwarf just sits there gaping while his heir continues. “I should probably add that in the spirit of our roles my brother made an alliance which will probably appear foolish to you at first, but you should remember things aren't always what they seem. And it does make him happy.”

“What in Mahal's name does that mean?” Their uncle asked, trying to piece through his nephew's overblown prose to the meaning buried beneath. Secretly intelligent or not, no one talks like that unless they have something to hide.

“I told you he wouldn't buy that,” Kíli told his brother with an exasperated sigh. “It means I proposed to our burglar, uncle, and we'll be wed as soon as the last of his relatives arrive. But if it makes you feel any better, Fíli is rather besotted by one of Bombur's daughters so you should have some grand-nephews and nieces before too long.”

It didn't make him feel any better and at the look of fury on his face, Thorin's sister-sons decided that discretion was the better part of valor. “We'll be back soon uncle,” they promised as they fled from his room. “Just as soon as you've calmed down.”

However, this might take some time because Thorin had decided that fury was definitely the better option and his roar echoed throughout the mountain's halls. “Get back here so I can kill you both!”



Re: More Than Meets the Eye, 3/3 tsubasafeathers July 8 2013, 02:41:55 UTC
Holy shit that was awesome.


Re: More Than Meets the Eye, 3/3 rata_toskr July 8 2013, 02:58:45 UTC
Thank you very much. I had to rewrite the thing like 3 times so I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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