Sep 22, 2006 14:43
noting what the little sister's entry said-
it's sad when you can get excited about the change in weather and the change being a difference of ten degrees outside... it's sad because the only REAL difference is the amount you sweat decreases but nevertheless you are still sweating... and dear GOD enough with the rain around here... i forgot how much it rains and then it rains because it rained and then it's so humid that you would just wish it would rain so that the humidity would be gone for a few hours...
piggie backing on the miss maryland's entry-
you know i had my students write a journal today on where they would want to go in the world and one kind boy wrote how he wanted to go to amsterdam for the druggish reason, then proceeded to explain the amsterdam way vs the "write" way to create the properly rolled and enjoyable pleasure... sadly i felt compelled to correct his numerous errors... in all ways... it's amazing what kids write and how honest/vulgar some of them really are!
that's all i wanted to steal from today. thanks for your inspiration RESIDENTS of mine in 2000-01