We are the way we are

Nov 06, 2008 09:51

Tuesday we worked on Werevereen's new computer, cleaning the case and putting in the 160 drive he bought. Hobnose and me took a break in the afternoon to go down to the tracks to set off more fireworks.

The surprise of the night came when Bruce's neighbor Tommy came over to visit and brought his Golden noodle Dog Heidi. Heidi is a mix of a Labrador and Terrier Dogs, and is black with a shaggy coat. She is about the size of the usual Lab, and is really friendly and never growls, Tommy says. We barked for over an hour while she visited, and got pictures.

Hobnose got a new mouse, she had a mouse problem last night and the pointer wouldn't move on the screen.

On Wednesday Werevereen's computer Boomer had been working on was finished. It has Windows XP on the new drive with a 1.2 ghz Celeron Hob and me found in Elliott a few weeks ago, with DVD player and CD writer drives, and he likes it a lot. For that job I got his old Compaq computer with a card reader I was needing for my matching Compaq, which came with no front panel .

Next we all went to the thrift store, where Hobnose got a pet magazine, and Boomer got more in the series of Hello Reader books with the little white Dog, I Am Lost, I Hate My Bow, and I Lost My Tooth. A little fluffy has whatever problem and finds a way to get around it and have fun or stay safe, that's what the books are about. My favorite is the one where he gets lost and has to go to a police man and show his collar tag and gets brought home.

We all went to Wendy's for lunch, and Hob got the bug toy with her meal this time, we are waiting for the light bulb top toy to come out so she can get that.

We took some firecrackers to a man hole down the street and lit and dropped them in and they made a funny noise. We also put down sparklers, ground spinners, and jumping jacks, and left with smoke coming out of the little hole in the cover.. :)

Next Hobnose and me fussed with computers, a Dell that Hob found in the trash the night before, a Dimension 2400 that had no memory in it. I found a stick of memory that worked, and we formatted it, and it's Hob's secondary computer until we can get another Dell going that's better.

Meanwhile, Werevereen was on his computer loading pictures on to it. Some of the pictures were from trips that Hobnose and me took, and there was one that was just a paint can sitting on a window sill and he thought that was a silly thing to take, and didn't know why we did it. He doesn't know Hob and Boom that way, hey we might have walked a mile for a picture like that.


computer, toy, heidi, man hole, thrift store, wendy's, dell, books, pictures

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