Monday we wanted to go to the river again, after Hobnose found a sail boat toy at the thrift store. When she was a younger pup she wrote her name on a boat and sent it out on Galveston Bay in the Gulf of Mexico, and she wanted to do it again here in Pittsburgh with all of the rivers around.
There's a place by the West End bridge where we can get right down to the water, and we went there first, after stopping where I painted Hobnose and Boomer on the wall in the woods to take a picture of it.
Graffiti by the Dogs picture Traffic was busy, but we got to the river and Hob let the boat go and it floated away really slow, but off it went, and it was neat to enjoy a Hobnose memory together like that, show and woof, she brought it with her. The pointy yellow thing the Collie is looking at is the sail on the boat.
Hobnose and the boat picture Next we went to McKees Rocks to see the place where the guy had dumped that audio equipment a few weeks ago, but there was nothing there. On the way we saw two Dachshunds on a roof top barking. It was funny because they were so high up and it seemed dangerous, but I guess they have been going up there for a long time and know how stay safe.
Dachshunds on the roof picture We saw a train going by, below on the tracks, and it looked cool with the city in the background.
Train and Pittsburgh picture Hob was looking for an abandoned house she had seen to take pictures of it, but we couldn't find it again. We did find a nerf dart on the street and were playing with it, and kids at a house said it was theirs, and Hob took it back to them.
We wanted to go back home and go trashing, and on the way throught Elliot Hobnose saw a computer in the trash, designed for XP, and it looked okay, but we were on bikes, so we had to stash it in the weeds and come back with the car. At home we found out it has a bad power supply and won't start, but otherwise it looks like it's all there.
We went to Rite Aid for a puppy calendar, and then did a little trashing, Crafton night. Found a vacuum for the thrift store if it works woof, bike tire, pillows and a double fan, more silliness.