River rovers

Oct 21, 2008 02:23

Sunday was bike day! I wish it was CHOMPS Day, but it was bike day.. :) We did put the Chomps movie on earlier in the day, but no one actually sat there and watched it.

We left a little before 3 pm and got home at 10 pm, here's what happened. We thought about going to the river again, Station Square, and going down the trail along the river where we hadn't been before. In West End we saw a sign for a haunted house tour, and the building where it was going to be, 7 pm to ? it said, and we thought about coming back later. The cool thing about it is the signs were hand printed, just marker on white cardboard, and that's different than the usual fancy colorful scary signs they have.

We stopped to see some house foundations we had gone past before, from so far in the past that only the basement block walls still exist. We saw our buddy Rupt had put his name on a wall in the woods, and we had marking paint so I wrote Hobnose & Boomer on another wall deep in the woods, so we are up on the hills with Rupt, even if no one ever sees it.. :)

We went on to Station Square, getting to see inside of an abandoned building we go past that's usually locked, but something had hit the door and smashed it open, so we could look. It had been some kind of a store or office and had all of the light fixtures and ceiling plaster on the floor, out of use for who knows how long.

This time we took a different way through, not past River Rover this time, and heard the dancing waters fountain at the Hard Rock Cafe playing TV themes, from Cheers, Love Boat, and I Love Lucy, and we got to see how the spray jets in the fountain looked because it was light out this time. Further down it was the new territory, and we saw an oil derrick with a 15 horse power motor on it, and an unmarked boiler lined with bricks inside. Right near there was what looked like a stage coach or something like it and a wood gear that had been partly burned.

We were heading for the factory areas now, and it was a little bit of a head cocker to think of which trail to take, but we found the walking riding place, going through some big stone blocks that looked like the remains of some old pyramid civilization.

Then there was a tower that looked like it was a guard tower from a prison with an enclosed ladder and a platform at the top with spot lights on swivels. We were right along the train tracks, the river, and between factories, new houses, and a strip of bars all in one place, with trees and trails. There were docks, ducks, someone fishing, and plenty of Dogs, like a Basset Hound, a Golden, mutts, and a great looking orange Chow named Duncan. I got to bark to the owner about Yoder my Eskie. All along, we could see great views of Pittsburgh city buildings and other things across the river from us.

We came back by the Corliss tunnel way as usual, and this time Boomer went over the tunnel entrance like Hobnose did the last time, while the Collie waited with the bikes down on the street. We got back home and Werevereen wondered where we were all that time.. :) Walking up the hill past Acme wire company I found a flyer for the haunted house in West End we had seen earlier. It looked neat, but 'they cost anyone', $15 each visitor, and wow, it would cost $45 if all of us went!

I can see why Hobnose likes to go down to Pittsburgh especially, there's so much for Collie and Pyrenean Shepherd eyes to see. When I rode bikes by myself before Hobnose, I never thought about going down there to ride, it seemed hard to get to with lots of traffic, not very friendly of a trip for me, but Hobnose has opened it up with her attitude. Plus she isn't from the area so she doesn't have the excuses and fears about making trips like that, and we are Dog buddies enjoying it together, much better than alone.

The other rivers here have shore areas and parks like this too, and I'm sure we will get to those too over time.

Later it was trashing in Scott, and we got a small TV and another desk for Hobnose to use, this one a small desk to do paper work and write on. It's about 4 feet long, with 4 drawers. We took some stuff down to the thrift store.


west end, acme, bike, river, chomps, trip, corliss, station square, rupt, duncan

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