~ So the music change ... not sure how I feel about it. At times it feels too modern, at others I swear they're channeling The Princess Bride (e.g. when Gwen asks Lancelot to look after Arthur), and others it just wasn't appropriate, even by Merlin standards.
~ I actually wasn't digging Gwen's hair or dress (edit: just her second dress; the first one with roses on the neckline is lovely)? The two large tendrils in front looked very odd (although the hair piece is prettttttty). I love, love, love what that dress does for her cleavage (HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII), but the way it otherwise fits her body ... I think if she had a belt or something around it (like she does with her other dresses) it would solve all of the problems. But I was digging her face (yes, even her lipstick). I HAVE MISSED YOUR FACE. WELCOME BACK TO MY SCREEN.
~ ARTHUR/GWEN SCENE ARTHUR/GWEN SCENE ARTHUR/GWEN SCENE ARTHUR/GWEN SCENE. I can't. Not over it. Never over it. Ugh. "You are precious, not just the kingdom" and "Do you remember when I first kissed you?" and her SMILE and his pleased smile and then the HUG and the way they're clinging to each other and ugh he held her chin (and his fingers kept stroking in this delightful way) and just STOP.
And your obligatory bad picspam:
~ Lancelot/Gwen scene. Oh, goodness. Lancelot, I'M SO SORRY. I really did feel terrible for him, although it's lovely that the writers have made it clear where her feelings lie. Also, am going to cry buckets when Lancelot "dies" (which I assume he is based on all of the trailers). Poor Gwen is going to think she's to blame, and ugh, my heart. And Arthur will probably feel like HE'S to blame, and there's going to be all of this miss-communication, and ugh, the angst is returning isn't it? I mean I love angst, love it way too much, but it still hurts just thinking about it. D=
~ Lancelot/Merlin you officially have stolen my heart from Gwaine/Merlin. Well done. Now, Lance, just don't abandon Merlin in a forest and everything should work out fine.
~ MORGANA DREAMING OF CAMLANN UGH LEGEND ALERT. It really is starting to come together, isn't it?
~ Lack of smirks and a varied performance from Morgana. Loved it sfm. THIS is what it should've been last year, but better late than never. Although during the sacrificing of Morgause scene all I could think was, Oh, damn, they're pulling an Aslan.
~ Very, very glad that Gwen is taking care of Uther for Arthur and not because she's conveniently forgotten what this horrible man has done to her and her family. A+
~ NEW CREDITS FEATURING ARTHUR/GWEN'S FIRST KISS. And forever amused that it's accompanied by ASH's credit. TROLLING, DEAR EDITORS?
~ Enjoying the relationships between the knights. I was wary of how it would affect the show, but so far so good.
~ The beginning moments after the credits were fantastic and felt like something out of a movie. The cinematography has definitely improved.
~ Agravaine just randomly being there. Oh, okay. Would've preferred if he had had more of an introduction, but whatever floats your boat, Merlin writers. And good job with the blind faith, Arthur. It's always served you well before.
~ Arthur's relationship with Merlin was spot on. It's right where it should be, and all of their moments had me smiling (especially the one in his chambers where Merlin's freaking the hell out and Arthur says, "Oh, I'm scared Merlin. Probably more than you" (or whatever it was)).
~ Was I imagining it, or when the spoiler pics originally came out was Gwen helping the people seeking refuge in Camelot? Did they cut that scene, or do you think that's coming up?
~ Between this premiere and the Doctor Who finale, I devoured half a box of Maltesers. This is what finales and premieres do to me.
~ All in all, a fantastic episode. WELCOME BACK, SHOW.
Felt meh about the DW finale. There were parts I liked, but otherwise I was underwhelmed. The way they tied everything up felt contrived, and part of the plot also felt like a rehash of last year's finale.