I finally saw "Slumdog Millionaire"!!!! and I liked it very much indeed. It was very fresh, I guess that's the best way to describe how I felt when I left the theater. Fresh and electrified. I had been seeing so many movies with sad endings lately that to see one with a happy ending was very refreshing. Of course, I downloaded "Jai Ho" as soon as I got home. And tried to imitate the dance number.
I started reading "The Hobbit" yesterday. I'm on chapter five or six and so far I'm enjoying it immensely. I didn't know that J.R.R. Tolkien had such a lovely sense of humor. Bilbo is a fun character to read. Which reminds me of another great character, Patrick Wallingford from the previous novel I was reading "The fourth Had" by John Irving. There's not much I can say about the plot, it was well researched and interesting, but nothing spectacular. What I really enjoyed where the characters. Specially Patrick. He was a dog and sometimes a bit of an asshole, but I fell in love with every bit of him.
Finally here's the A-Z meme everyone did centuries ago. Copied from Delaney.
- Available: For what?
- Age: 23
- Annoyance: Oh, so many! Of the top of my head? Bad traffic when you're reaaaaaally tired.
- Animal: Kangaroo
- Beer: Heiniken
- Birthday: 17th of December
- Best Friend(s): I don't like the term "best friend" I don't concider I have one, but I guess that Frida was the closest one to become something like that.
- Body Part on opposite sex: Boobs?
- Best feeling in the world: Being satisfied with yourself.
- Blind or Deaf: Blind, I guess because then I still get to hear music.
- Best weather: Sunny winter :)
- Been in Love: Yes.
- Been on stage: Yes, several times.
- Believe in Magic: Depends on what kind of magic.
- Believe in Santa: Nope, sorry.
- Candy: Chocolate
- Color: Purple
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Tough choice. I have to go with Vanilla
- Chinese/Mexican: Chinese
- Cake or pie: Cake
- Continent to visit: ASIA. So so bad.
- Cheese: Love it.
- Day or Night: Night
- Dance in the rain: Ew, no.
- Eyes: Dark brown.
- Ever failed a class?: Yes, several times actually.
- First thoughts waking up: *gasps* Not again!
- Food: Sushi!!!!
- Favorite flower and color: I'm between roses and lotus flowers, but my favorite color is definitely (I'll never get the spelling of that word right on the first try.) Purple :)
- Greatest Fear: Lately I've just been terrified of people in general.
- Goals: To have something I wrote published. Yeah, that seems like a nice goal.
- Gum: No, thanks. I don't like gum.
- Get along with your parents? Yes.
- Good luck charm: I don't think I have one.
- Hair Color: Dark brown.
- Height: 6'2 or 4 I'm not sure.
- Happy: From time to time. It's all about the details and certain moments.
- Holiday: Christmas!
- How do you want to die: I'm copying Delaney's answer here and say fulfilled.
- Ice Cream: Vanilla with a warm brownie underneath.
- Instrument: Violin
- Jewellery: I like it simple.
- Job: I've never had one.
- Kids: Ew, no thanks. Although I've grown more tolerant towards them.
- Kickboxing or karate: Karate?
- Keep a journal? Yes, this one and a notebook.
- Love: Coffee, sex, a good fantasy book, clothes, etc...
- Letter: They have to be long, plentiful and sporadic (does that word exist in English?)
- Laughed so hard you cried: This Saturday was the last time I cried while laughing. It's a wonderful feeling.
- Milk flavor: Milk shouldn't have flavors. Same thing with water. That's just wrong.
- Movies: Don't get me started.
- Motion sickness? Sometimes when I'm in the backseat of a car.
- McD’s or BK: BK?
- Number: 7
- One wish: Love for everyone (That sounded sooooo hippie.)
- Perfect Pizza: cuattro formaggi
- Pepsi/Coke: Coke
- Quail: I don't know what Quail means. *googles* Turns out it's a kind of bird and a cruise line. Yeah... still don't get it.
- Reason to cry: The world we live in.
- Reality T.V.: I hate reality television, but there was a time when I used to watch "Girls next door" Yes, I admit it.
- Radio Station: 97.3 The coast!!! When I'm Florida. The greatest hits from the 90's, 80's and today!!!
- Roll your tongue in a circle? I can do something like that.
- Ring size: No effing clue.
- Song: "Jai Ho" by A. R. Rahman!!! It's what I'm listening to right now.
- Salad Dressing: No clue.
- Sushi: LOVE!!!!
- Slept outside? In my book sleeping in a tent counts as sleeping outside, so leaving that clear, yes, I've done it and I hate it.
- Smoked?: YES and I miss it so *cries*
- Skinny dipped?: No and don't plan to any time soon.
- Shower daily?: Yes, yes, yes.
- Sing well?: Don't really think so.
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Blueberries, I guess. I really don't like Strawberries.
- Tattoos?: I'd love to have five. I think it is the perfect number for tattoos. So far I only have one in my lower back.
- Time for bed: 12 tops
- Thunderstorms: Only on movies.
- Unpredictable: Not really.
- Weakness: My low self esteem.
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Gosh, this one is hard. I really don't know.
- Who makes you laugh the most: Frida!
- Worst feeling: Finding out someone you trusted has been lying to you. Yeah, that's an awful feeling. Guilt is also pretty bad.
- Wanted to be a model: I'm not answering that one in order to protect my dignity. (Although with the "Girls next Door" answer my dignity is pretty much gone.)
- Where do we go when we die? Back to the melting pot.
- Worst Weather?: Very, very hot and humid. Or very, very cold and wet and windy.
- X-Rays: Don't bring good memories.
-Year it is now: 2009, although I keep writing 2008.
-Yellow: Hate it.
- Zoo animal: Dunno. I'm not a big fan of zoos myself.
1. Slept in a bed beside you? Can't recall. It's been a very long time since I've slept with anyone. In the literal and not so literal sense.
2. You went to the mall with? Mom.
3. You went to dinner with? Jenny, España, Carlos, Sarah and Andrea
4. You talked to on the phone? Chipi, Daniel and his wife. All at the same time, it was a conference call.
5. Made you laugh? Sebastian and Stella
6. Hugged you? Jenny? Probably.
7. Said they loved you? Adriana
8. Held your hand? I think it was Christian, but I don't know if that counts as holding hands. It was very brief.
9. Spoke with? Mom
10. You cried over? My dad.