Happy Holidays, All Participants and Readers!

Dec 21, 2007 11:01

This is the last fic of the fest. I encourage you to read stories you haven't and give our authors lots of feedback! Additional guessing will be open in a new thread here until Sunday morning, when authors will be revealed! You can read the old guesses in the first post, here. And if you haven't read and commented on your gift fic, please do so ( Read more... )

2007 fest, methos, duncan, gen

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dswdiane December 21 2007, 17:33:35 UTC
This was lovely and both an ending and a beginning. Thank you again for organizing all of this.


amand_r December 22 2007, 03:20:16 UTC
You are welcome, and thank you for pinch hitting!


dswdiane December 22 2007, 03:58:02 UTC

The entire experience was a pleasure (except, of course, when I was tearing my hair out over the story, convinced that I had lost all of my ability to write a decent story). I was pleasantly surprised that the story turned out not totally lame and mostly liked by my wonderful beta (you know who you are and thank you so much). I was delighted with the plethora of wonderful stories I read. I so enjoyed bantering with you, Amand_r in the guessing threads. I still think and perhaps will always think that you are three of the funniest and brightest folks I have ever known. And I have been incredibly impressed with the generosity you have given of your time, energy, and talent in making all of this happen.

Amand_r, I will always think you are the bee's knees and the cat's pyjamas (excuse me, spell checker, but I do think Cole Porter spelled pyjamas that way. I might be wrong). You have proven this yet again to all of us. My hat is off to you, my dear. And I wish you, Viola, and all of your family glorious and wonderful holidays. Don't be ( ... )


amand_r December 22 2007, 04:00:37 UTC
She does love to eat her some cards.


dswdiane December 22 2007, 04:04:57 UTC

Then I will do my darndest to send you an edible card. But they're not going out until between Christmas and New Year's if I manage to get them out at all.

Tally ho and happy holidays.


amand_r December 22 2007, 04:07:36 UTC
Really, though, it's okay. Don't send a card. We have a lot.


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