Experts agree, the Flying Spaghetti Monster of the Pastafarians is stranger than Fiction! it is one of the fastest growing religions of our new century, and is a fine way of protesting fundamentalist obfuscatory rhetoric such as the Theory of Intelligent Design. Let it be known that the artist presently known as Helgaleena has dedicated her hair to the Flying Spaghetti Monster. And I like the way he/she is depicted in a vulva shaped clumping, with two prominent meatballs. It strikes a chord. Not since I discovered Lord Jagannath of Orissa have I been so moved by the depiction of a deity.
So as you browse the electronic seas of the internets, wary of pirates, ask yourself-- what would the Flying Spaghetti Monster do? WWTFSD??? And I have a sneaking suspicion that Lando Calrissian, and his compatriot Vuffi Raa, knew of this being.