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Apr 28, 2009 17:35

Я быў у Італіі.
Хацеў прысвяціць гэтым ўражанням даўжэзны пост, з кучай пафасных слоў, але свядомасць таго, што ў мяне ёсць няскончаныя справы ва універсітэце, ўжо даўно забівае мой вольны, ад яго, ягелонскага, час. Таму мушу патлумачыць, што гэта там за пісьмена ніжэй.
А гэта мой ліст да сяброўкі, які я напісаў адразу калі прыехаў у Кракаў і яшчэ не шкадаваў часу на расказы пра багатую-багатую паездку. Ён, ліст, і будзе граць ролю таго першаснага ідэальнага паста. Хто мае вочы - калі ласка!)

So I came back yesterday.

The trip was great! First of all because of the meeting with my brother Makar. Finally we were really close to each other spending a lot of time talking, singing, tasting italian wine and grappa (c'est adorable!;) and even swimming in Adriatic Sea. The weather was like in summer 25-27 dg.

I was so glad when I saw his world, his life! It's paradise there! They,the students of his college, have everything: houses which are divided by 10-15 students, good italian food 2 times a day, fresh bread that "somebody" brings at morning, full friges, well-accommodated kitchens, all the stuff for studing... and actuallu studing and developing their talents is the only thing one should care of. It's a great chance to have a good life for my brother.

But there was another parallel problem to all this ideality. Our belarusian friend Nasta who was studing with Makar in liceum agreed to go with me to visit him. She was really ok, but so childly disorganised that she had put all the documents and money in a photocamera bag which was later hanged on a hook in the train from Padova to Venice. Unfortunately I didn't noticed that. You see where I am going... The bag was stolen.

The arrival to Venice, early in the morning, she tells me that she doesn't know where is her camera and her phone and her money and her passport... I begin to understand in what situation we are and I just want to laugh 'couse of the absurd and incredibility of all this. I remembered about one my friend who had such a situation in Germany. So I realise what a work I should do to help this girl: Police, Belarusian Embassy in Rome, posts, calls, photoes for new documents, asking, talking, planning etc. etc. and everything must be done during 2 and a half days not to be late for the plane...

I thought "What a challenge! It's wired! Haha!" and began this exremely long and inending process of recieving this fucking piece of paper whithout which this pour belarusian girl is nobody in Eropian Union.
Sometimes it seemed a big big crap especially when I was noticing that Nasta even doesn't want to try to amagine the seriousness of the situation.

But finally I am here in Cracow, Nasta is on her way to Belarus. That means that everything was done well and she has got her passport, by the way, from the hands of a railway policeman in Milan, who did not understand at all what is it and what should he do with these two belarusians telling him that his office should have some letter from embassy for them...

Just try to imagine! That's funny, isn't it? Haha!
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