More Yuletide recs and happiness

Dec 27, 2008 20:34

So, like I said, I continued looking. There's one more Mansfield Park added to the last post, for tideness' sake. And more fics here, from other fandoms (even some old fics, because this year's TBC fic didn't appeal to me very much, thought it has good quality).

{The Breakfast Club}

The Princess And The Basket Case -- Not even pre-femmeslash, but with enough gender play that it made me happy. Its tone is pretty good, I think. Missing moment fic.

//Allison's face was still damp and pink from the thorough scrubbing Claire had commanded; her hair was tucked back in one of Claire's favorite headbands, a white one with a flower on top. It looked good, Claire thought: Madonna, but not too Madonna. Now, for the next step.//

Optimist -- Because I'm an optimist too, with this movie, and this fic made me happy. Sort of Monday fic, only better.

//Monday morning wasn't what anyone expected.//

The Buddy Thing -- Pre-slash if you squint. I don't. I like it as it is, because Brian should definitively have buddies, and friendship fic makes me smile.

//Andy was the biggest surprise, though. "Brian. Hey, man," he said, thumping Brian on the back after third period. //


An Epistle from a Gentlewoman of Quality to her Famed Brother Robert Walton -- Priceless. Witty, charming and with an edge of bitterness that makes it all the more hilarious. With a good period tone, I think.

//In truth, I am not writing to you to further sing your praises, though I know you greatly appreciate such words of mine (and I confess I occasionally have had cause to wonder whether you read through any of the portions of my letters that do not discuss your own enterprises and manifold accomplishments, the greatness that undoubtedly awaits you, and the injustices that have been done to you in your life.)//

{Calvin and Hobbes}

the sandwich story -- Just... sad and funny, and it makes it work. It's weird to see it from the other side, but I think growing up was like this.

//"Hobbes," Calvin says thoughtfully, perched on the sharply slanted roof outside his bedroom window. "Have you always been around?"//

The Tiger Song -- Short verse, and the end brought a smile to my face.

//"Okay, I sang the song. Now will you let me go?"//


The Amazing Adventures of Hat Guy and the Girl Who Stole His Hat -- Hilariously in character, and outrageously cute (they would hate that).

//She buys him a hat. It explodes.

He buys her a journal. It disintegrates.//

{Fairy Tales}

Never to Be Told -- So so damn sad. This is the same feeling this tale left me when I was a child, even though I think the version we had ended happily. It was in French, and it had lovely drawings; this makes me think of them. Wild Swans fanfic.

//He doesn't remember a time without feathers. It's the transformation to human at the full moon that feels strange to him.//

Cloak and Dagger -- Wonderful modern narrative with touches of old. Weird and violent without real violence. Little Red Riding Hood fanfic.

//She has a covered wicker basket and a red cloak which she has long outgrown. Beneath its ragged hem her legs are thin and pale, and he stares at them in the lamplight for a good while before he speaks.//

Fire, Measured By What Doesn't Burn -- Weird modern fairy tale. I feel I'm not quite getting what the author is trying to say, but it's a very good read nonetheless. Intense, vivid prose, and good narrative voice.

//This is how it happened: after you came back from the war, everything got on your nerves, even sitting still. Your boredom had an evil edge, and the streets of your hometown were quiet and empty, riddled with a million perfect places to plant an IED.//

Skin -- Strange modern fairy tale. This one is fairly straight forward, but the fairy tale elements still sit awkwardly in a modern setting to my mind. I like it, though, like trying a new flavour that isn't quite what you expected.

//He was a funny looking man, all wrong angles and weird joints, his face disconcerting like someone had smashed together three separate faces into one.//

The Bruise Around the Wound -- Weirdly morbid. Sort of horrifying and sweet, and the same time. Loved the prose.

//This is the first story her mother told her: if she stayed in the tower, she would never want for anything. If she left it, she would die.//

Verity -- Nice and cute fairy tale. A warrior princes, what more could anyone want?

//The first time Princess Verity rode into the forest was six months after her father had taken the kingdom of Astermark.//

The Songs of the Nightingale -- A wonderful retelling of the story. I had tears in my eyes at the end.

//Sit down, my darling, and listen, and I shall tell you the tale of the nightingale. There are often tales told of an Emperor who lived at a certain time and of what wisdom passed to him through a wonderful gift, but seldom do those storytellers truly speak of the life of the bird that was that gift and so what is known is only half of the real story.//


An Arrow At Dawn -- Shang POV. Really lovely look at the story.

//Shang knows such things aren't unheard of, though they're usually discouraged within the camp itself. It's hard enough for so many men to live in such close quarters without that particular tangle.//

{Little Miss Sunshine}

Little Miss Curious -- Hilarious, and a little incredible, so mostly like the movie itself.

//"Mr Bingle, sir?"

Little Olive's face was scrunched up in confusion.

"Yes, Olive?"

"What does 'faggot' mean?"//


Hyper by Nature -- The butchering of the English language is rarely as funny.

//Hyper Kitten stop bouncing and hangs his head. "Iz sorry, Momcat," he says. "I cant hep it. Hypr is mi naytcher."//

And that is all. God, reading nice stuff is exhausting. ;)

I'm also incredibly happy for other reasons unrelated to good (fan)fiction. Lean has just sent me page 4, and it looks incredible. I will make a post about this project of ours (it's a comic), one of these days, because I'm really excited about it. Even if it's never published, it's the prettiest thing I've ever made.

He's an amazing artist. Seriously. Here is some of his work, but he's so much better now, you couldn't believe (the first draft of our first page it's in there, if you look closely ;)). I can't believe it, because he was so good already. I don't know what he's doing, working with me.

And Lean wants to draw period, and so we're sort of planing to choose a chapter from NEG and do it! It's the best project we could undertake, because it would give me a chance to focus in my script writing abilities per se and not in the story and the dialogue (that are already, you know, written), because T's script was really a choppy, awful job, and it really slowed us down.

So excited! I hope he chooses chapter 11! Or 6! or... I don't know, which one would you want? If you've read NEG, and you've an opinion, just jump in here and tell me.

yuletide, recs, on typing

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