I have been trying to contribute to
fanlore to fill out the history for JAFF, as it's the one I feel most qualified about (despite having spent more time in HP). And I suspect no one else will do it, unless someone breaks the ice and opens the pages for edits; this fandom is not actually that connected with the _wider_ fandom.
So, I have popped my wiki cherry >_<, as it were.
here is the page I initiated. I put up internal links to make up pages for the archives, the blogs, and the projects. I'm tempted to edit into the page a 'terminology' sub-title, but I'm not sure how they are doing that in fanlore. Should I make a page for each term instead? No idea.
So, go look! Correct me if I'm wrong, make up more pages! Tell me in the comments in this entry if there's a bit of history you want recorded but you're too shy/lazy/occupied to go figure out the wiki.
I'm especially interested in how the fandom came to be. I sort of remember that it begun in RoP (though of course, the ff existed offline from before), that it then broke up (the BOI) because they didn't accept AUs and DWG was born. That that broke up because they didn't accept adult rated stuff, into HG. That AHA was born... I don't know why or when, but that it had its bloom and became the active site we see now when the HG was down (last year, or before? I was there for that, but I'm terrible with dates).
And of course, there is plenty of other sites that are not added yet! I want to add them all, and I've links (Longbourn Loungers, and the like), but I know not the history of them. Some I can guess were they came from ('05 movie, anyone?), but I don't _want_ to guess, I want to write verified or at least somewhat verified things.