I've been reading x-files ff instead of writing/studying/doing something useful.
this one made me think. Is about the movie, which I haven't watched, which I don't want to watch because I'm terrified I will be totally disappointed by it. No matter, I will one day, just not now, while I'm enjoying the fandom so much.
The fic is great, is excellent. It made me remember all the similar fights that happen in my house. When my mother is home, she's the Scully on that story, all my siblings are the Mulders. When she's away, my sister is the Scully.
I'm _always_ the Mulder. Housework... it's a bane, and it's not actually _that_ necessary most of the time.
For me.
And then, the middle part of the fic felt _so wrong_ (not the writing, eh! But what was happening). I tried to convince myself that it felt that way because it reduced an adult capable person to just housework, and that it had nothing to do with the adult in question being male. But, you know, I feel awful about it, but if it had been Scully, no less capable (perhaps more!) and no less adult than Mulder, the wrongness would have been less... noticeable, I guess.
For me.
I hate that.