Title: Found and Lost
Author: Sleep with Coyotes,
Rating: R
Why this must be read: Well, I have a weakness for Sleep with Coyotes' fics. As you could have guessed if you ever saw my recs *laughs*
This is an AU, and plays with the premise that Mac stays in the MacLeod-less world from the series finale. Possibilities. That's what we are talking about in this one.
Duncan must to learn all about Methos again, because this one? The one in here? This is not his Methos. Not his infuriating, changing, cynic, dangerous but always loyal friend. No, this one, he had to know all again.
What he sees, instead, doesn't lead him to know better this Methos, except in the sense he's watching all what was left of his friend fading away, until there's nothing left. And, in doing that, even as he didn't want it, he discovered that Kronos did care for Methos. He understood Methos. And he loves him.
And then... well, then you'll have to read the story to find what happens *beg*
Did you need some hard facts to be convinced to read? Well, then, have a little taste
Methos and Kronos. It made Duncan want to weep.
How had he never seen this about his friend? Now that he knew what to look for, he saw the whole Byron issue in a new light. That was two of Methos' lovers he'd killed, and Methos had been worth so much more than them both. At least Alexa had...
Duncan shook his head swiftly, pushing aside the uncharitable thought that Methos could have done better even than her. Should have. The man was so brilliant, so determinedly loyal, steadfast and fascinating and so damned compassionate if you paid attention, didn't let him hide behind his cynical masks. Duncan had simply never paid that much attention. Methos...was Methos.
And Duncan couldn't hate him. If he'd thought for one moment he wouldn't be turned away, he would have walked up to that table six months ago and tried to save this dying ghost of his friend. Still wanted to, with a fervor that surprised him. Methos didn't deserve this. He'd paid for his past; he didn't deserve to be sucked down into the abyss again. He should have the same chance for happiness Duncan himself had had--should have queens at his feet, not Kronos at his back. Or a true Bard to give him joy, not that ravaged wreck of a poet. Methos should find love and heal--not waste away in the ruins of the love that had found him, and should have been lost.
Lost... 'Do you really hate him that much?' Fitz's voice seemed to mock him. They'd both seen Methos' head tumble from his neck, after all... 'Well, I guess that answers that.' But what had it answered? What had Fitz refused to tell him, and what had he lost by it?
Found and LostAuthor's website:
Blood, Love and Rhetoric