Title: Untitled Email Ficlet
Author: Tessa Rae [
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Why This Must Be Read: Only 586 words! You don't have an excuse not to! My favorite fandom category is, conveniently, also a Duncan and Methos hallmark: snark. I can see Methos enjoying the modern methods of communication possibly to excess, but Duncan initiates this round and it quickly descends into sniping at each other long distance. The subject lines change a bit throughout, too, and they're a nice touch. *g*
Date 4/15/09 14:12
From: duncanmacleod@gmail.com
To: piersona@watcherhub.com.fr
Subject: Hello Adam
There is a new exhibit opening tomorrow night. Featuring Egyptian Hieroglyphics.
Wanna go?
Date 4/15/09 23:05
From: researchmyass@gofast.com.uk
To: duncanmacleod@gmail.com
Subject: What?
No raving psychopath available to annoy?
Untitled Email Ficlet Author's Website: