Prompts & Details!

Jul 27, 2009 14:44

Got plenty of prompts now, big thank you to everyone who's made suggestions! Prompt list will be sorted through and signups will begin Tues 28 July at 7pm BST, when a signup post will be made.

So, slight change of plan: due to popular demand (well, okay, three of you) the ficathon will now have prompts in a bid to help the muses. So I need your help!

Please comment on this post with any prompt ideas you have.

I will then collate them into a list to be used for signups, which will now begin ASAP.

A little more detail on the ficathon for interested authors:

☥ The primary characters are allowed to appear in your fic, but they should not be the protagonist of it.

☥ We are allowing a certain grey area for Amanda and Nick Wolfe because the Raven is woefully lacking fic and there aren't enough Amanda fics out there in general.

☥ Minimum length will be 1000 words, but there is no maximum. We only ask that the fic is posted complete.

☥ In the signups please state at least three characters you would like to write for along with two prompts for each (six in total, but they don’t need to be six different prompts) in order of preference. This is in case two people sign up to write the same character for the same prompt or too many people sign up for the same character and need to ask you to change (for example, we don’t want every fic to be about Amanda, as much as we love her). If there is a clash, authors will be instead assigned their 2nd choice prompt, according to who signed up first. If necessary, you might be assigned your 2nd choice character and prompt and so forth.

☥ You will have six weeks from the date you are assigned your character and prompt to write your fic.
☥ Finished fic should be mailed to one of the mods (details given out at a later date), and it will be posted to hl_flashficafter the deadline and all fic is in. Please do not post your fic anywhere else until all the fics have been posted. You may of course pimp the comm as much as you like.

☥ Schedule (may be subject to change):

Signups - ASAP - 14 Aug
Confirmation of central character - 17 Aug
Deadline to confirm participation - 15 Sep
Deadline for finished fic - 30 Sept
Fic posted - 1 Oct - 5 Oct (dependent on number of entries and if they are all in by the deadline)

☥Signups will open on ASAP, on a separate post and should contain your name, e-mail address, three characters you would like to write for, with two prompts you would like for each and please also indicate if you require a beta.

Author: idontlikegravy
Lj Username (if different):
1st Choice Character: Amanda - mischief managed/tease
2nd Choice Character: Darius - peace/sanctuary
3rd Choice Character: Fitz - tease/peace
Beta?: No thank you.

If you have any questions (or if this doesn't make sense), feel free to leave a comment on the first ficathon post and we'll get back to you ASAP.

And again, I would ask you all to pimp this wherever you can. Thank you!

love peace and light

ficathon, admin

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