weird dream...

May 17, 2006 16:19

I just had SUCH a weird dream... okay, this is how it's set up:

I don't know who's house it was supposed to be but for some reason, now it kinda reminds me a little of what Marissa's aunt with the pool's house looked like. Like it was kinda dim, even tho it was sunny outside, cuz there were no lights on. and it was kinda like a flat, but it def had a downstairs kinda den-ish thing, but with short windows, like basement-type windows only brighter. yeah, so anywho... I think it was supposed to be j's house, or, at least maybe his ex's house. But anyways, from what I can remember (and this will be pretty chopped up) Virginia was there, okay. yea, and all her dogs were, too. I think even her dad was. but yea, i just remember playin with scooby and grace is all... awwwe, no Lightning, now i feel bad for not dreaming her in too. :-( but anyways...

so like, i guess at some point I had to use the bathroom, and so i go downstairs to the bathroom (this is y it reminds me of marissa's aunt's) and I was in this cute little bathroom and stuff and then like, someone who lived there came in, kinda reminded me of little johnny, but idk, a little bit better looking (?) w/e --not important! so I was like, yea, I'm in here, and like had my legs all pulled together and somehow I was blocking everything from view (--DON'T ASK ME HOW!) but like, he had to look for something in the bathroom, like totally natural that he just waltzed in on my while i'm on the toilet. Then, with the door just casually sittin' open, this other dude comes in, bigger, don't know who he is or what he looked like, but they both avoided lookin' at me in the most natural way, like, maybe a glance as they came in then kinda, 'eh, w/e, ok; respect that --so where's the remote, dude?' yeah, they were lookin' for a remote, a big special, like universal remote. IDK! so yeah, then either they found it in there or they came back when they did and said "mom needs you to try and fix this" or sumthin. and like, i'm sittin on the toilet like, "oookay," and I take it and get to it as soon as I'm done. But yeah, I don't remember what happened with it then, but i do remember it looked all fancy and sleek and it had some special lights on it that were blinking. but anyways, not that important either. then, at some point, i go upstairs with the remote and stuff and then like, I go back down with Virginia and Aku tags along, cuz we hadda look for sumthin (I guess the remote wasn't what the guys were lookin' for after all) but now the whole house was kinda on the job lookin for it. so yea, we went downstairs to look for it, then at one point, I look out the window and I see a turtle and it was walkin real slow --as turtles do-- towards the window, and I was like, look aku! look look, do you know what that is?! (obv he did, lol) and then all 3 of us watched it and it didn't get scared when i went closer to the window, it just kinda put it's face up to the glass and like, it's flat nose was touching it, haha. and then it would back it's head up and then push it against the glass again and again, like a couple times. It was soo cute! but anyways, after that... hmm... well, I will just skip to the weirdness...

So like, we went back upstairs and i guess mom was there, not too sure bout dad... but then also there were these 2 people like, a big white lady and a big white man, and I was introduced to them (by whom, i have no idea!) and they were really nice and stuff. So like, everyone was really busy like, cleaning up, or lookin for something or helping make dinner and by everyone, I mean, like, everyone already mentioned, plus rachel, dija and damani and like, I guess the rest of my fam (i know, strange with vivi there and other ppl I don't know).  It was kinda like thanksgiving at gramma's or donna's house.

So here is where it gets weird[er]... then, out of nowhere, in walks... a. yes, you know who's supposed "ex" (though we now know that they were never really "broken up", blah, blah, w/e who gives a crap!! -- so yea, she walks in, and she was pretty short. Like, I guess she is 5'5" but in my dream I pictured her as like, 5'2". hmmph... whatever, lol. Yeah, she was wearing like, a little light denim skirt, and a tank top I guess, and she was pulling up a white zip-up hoodie when she came in the door. She only looked slightly confused, mostly to see me there. I guess in my dream, she had  known who I was from hearing about me from j I suppose. But she wasn't that pretty in my dream. prolly mostly cuz she was shorter than I had expected and also cuz it's not like I really know her face all that well, so in my dream I could only come up with so much.  But yea, anywhooo... We just kinda looked at each other, and in my dream, if this is possible, I guess everyone kinda got a lil quiet cuz it was "us" seeing sizing each other up for the first time. I think there was sorta this air that everyone was waiting for j to get home or w/e...

well, idk what happened after me and a "paused to size e/o up" but then after a little while, I was just helpin' get dinner set (I guess we were all eating together like on thanksgiving) and then I was just playin around with damani and dija and I think aku was messin' around with damani or sumthin and I was like, gettin' at both of them, like tickling them or sumthin, and then like, lifting damani up like a lil kid (yes, i am imagining them at like, ages 5 and 7 okay? i can't help it!) so right as I was lifting damani up j came in and saw me and idk, i guess we just kinda exchanged smiles and then who knows what happened after that, it seems like everyone was just glad he was finally there [?] and then I think that is around when Mallory called to ask me about the Psychology website. So yeah.

I think the vibe you get from a dream is just something you can't re-create no matter how detailed you tell it. And no matter how much you retain once you wake up  --like the feel of the dream, the atmosphere-- you can't really get it back. It kind of gets tainted once you try to tell someone. And the more you try to remember, the faster you forget. Isn't that funny the way dreams really do that?? It's kind of like the tip-of-the-tongue feeling.  like you are on the edge of recalling what it is you want to say but you can't get it out and it is just at the brink of your memory... only with dreams, it is just at the edge of your memory, and very delicate when you first begin to stir. And you know how fragile it is and it could start to disintegrate at any second; and even though you know how dangerous it is to try and recall it before it scoots to the  outskirts of your memory, you try not to move from your position in bed, as if moving will shake it up and it will pull apart like wisps of a cloud --because for some reason, you know how hard it would be to grasp wisps of a cloud and gather them back into place again and you know that once your body is aware of your wakefulness, it will lock you out of your dream, and you can't get back in it, you can't jump back in and start where you left off. you can't find out what would have happened. Only your dream state of mind could create the ending. And that's why they say, "Only in your dreams..."

Ciao 4 Now, Love,



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