i got a myspace blog. woooo.

Nov 05, 2004 15:24

okay, so i am on myspace now. woo. i don't care, tho, i am still usin livejournal. i only got 1 so i culd see ppls friend lists n i found out that sal knows this kid joey who goes 2 my skool n always says hi 2 me.
now, i had suspicions that joey was a hardcore show-goer, cuz 1 day when i was tryin out 4 the play, i culda sworn i saw him do the 2step. i even did a double take, cuz i wasn't sukre. but this confirmed my speculations. i found a picture of joey (his icon pic) in the midst of sal's friends, and then one day last week, i missed the bus n this random lady busdriver picked up me n lolo when we were like, already late, n like, sum otha random kids were on the bus too. so joey said hi, and i asked him if he knew sal from bring your own end, cuz i found him on his myspace friends. so he was like, "do i know sal?" and then he reaches over to his friend sittin across from him n grabs this flyer and opens it up, and he's like, "dude, do i know sal. i jus booked a show with him 2 night." and i was like, "yeah, they have show 2 night. i'm not goin, but i jus knew they did." but yeah. newho...

i tried out 4 the skool talent show yesterday. i sang 'I turn to you' by christina aguilera, even tho i was NOT plannin on singin that 4 the actual talent show. but they asked me if i was after. i did so bad. 1st i forgot the beginning of the chorus, so i was like, standing there 4 like, 10 seconds tryin 2 find my place again, and then i picked up @ ...for a love to keep me safe and warm... blah blah blah. but it seemed like i was standin there tryin 2 remember the lyrics for sooo much longer. and then they hadda cut me off right when i was gettin to the good part, where it gets higher n goes, "giving me faith taking me through the night" and like, i got cut off at the word faith and it gets all high @ the word through. i was so mad, cuz i messed up n then like, didn't get 2 redeem myself. grrrr. cuz they give you like a two minute audition and like, w/e. it was dumb. i was kinda mad @ myself. but i also wasn't used 2 the mic in there, cuz well, hello, i've never had 2 sing on a mic in there so the echoing was sumthin 2 get used 2. so i def dont think i made it in, cuz like, soo many ppl were doin singin and like, they're def gonna cut ppl who sucked 4 singin cuz no 1 wants 2 listen 2 like, 20 ppl sing in a row. so w/e. i sucked, that's all there is to it.
but i fell asleep last night after i got home and ate sum cereal and i only intended 2 take a short nap, (like 1/2 hour nap) and idk, my feet weren't gettin warm, so i wanted 2 stay in my bed till they did?? idk. i never came doen 2 eat my spicy chicken fingers, so w/e. sum1 ate those 2 day. (totally irrelevent) i woke up 2 day and thought it was saturday. but then i realized it wasn't, n i got a ton of sleep. it was splendid.

tonight i might go 2 the youth talent show. i bet i will b limited by if i have a ride home or not. how lame. i'm freakin' 18 years old and i don't drive, and i can't take the bus home @ night. how lame. that's all. it's just messed up. my life has sucked lately. w/e. it's not my fault. i have SAT's 2 morrow. i shuld have fun with that. o crap!! i have 2 get my friend meredith sumthin 4 her birthday! yikes! i knew i needed 2 go 2 the bank 4 sumthin!!!

okay, well, that'll b all 4 now, kiddies.

Ciao 4 Now, Love, Ngozi

o yeah, n u know wut sucked about messing up, is that i had the stupid song stuck in my head AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL DAY!!! and then i go and forget the lyrics. how messed up is that?!?!?!!!
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