Someone forwarded this to me the other day, and I laughed until I cried. Is it an impassioned argument for creationism using the banana as an example, or an informercial for gay porn? YOU be the judge!
The Atheist's Nightmare!
Remember, God created bananas so they wouldn't squirt in your face...unlike certain other things which sit gracefully in the human hand, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. Oh, Kirk Cameron, what have you gotten yourself into this time?
Speaking of teh ghei, I have been listening to those Brokeback Mountain remixes (aka Brokeback Disco) non-stop for, like, two weeks now. At work. The interns are starting to comment on it. Sheesh. Just because I like listening to the same song over and over and overandoverandover doesn't mean I'm weird or anything.
In other news, I went and saw Natalie McMaster this week! SO MUCH FUN. I remember when
canis_m took me to see her in Boston a lot of many years ago. Dude, she's still got it. Oh, and Friday night I went to a little art opening for my roommate & some other artists who have their bird-related paintings and photographs on display. I felt so cultured, dressed up, looking at art, holding my wine glass...of limeade. What? Just because I don't like wine doesn't mean I'm weird or anything.
And lastly, hell is surely a bit chilly at the moment, because I have willingly signed up for the
Bay to Breakers. It's the wackiest footrace in America! People run in wigs, costumes, or nothing at all. I will be walking (not running, dear god, not RUNNING) 12K (that's 7.5 miles) through San Francisco in a couple of weeks. A bunch of us will be going, some walking, some running. Us walkers are definitely doing it in costume, but we haven't settled on anything yet. If you have any suggestions for a costume that would be comfortable enough to walk 7.5 miles in, let fly!