Well, another April over and done with and under the belt, and I'm still alive. The first half of the month was spent training new interns and wishing it would stop raining for just ONE day so we could get some banding in.
The third week of April was our annual Peter Pyle workshop, which I coordinate every year (somehow without getting an ulcer). Peter literally wrote the book on how to age landbirds by using molt characteristics, and every year we host a workshop where he instructs participants on exactly how to do it. We had a small but diverse group of attendees this year from all over the U.S. Everything ran smoothly and everyone learned a lot and nobody died. Though one day a tick bit me on my boob and I came within two feet of stepping on a rattlesnake. I LOVE NATURE!
This past Saturday was our 13th annual Birdathon, our yearly fundraiser where we go out and bird for big bucks. And naturally, I was sick that day! After all that planning. -_- But it all worked out, and I managed to make it to the big dinner, which is where I really needed to put in the face time anyway. I know, I probably never even told any of you guys that the Birdathon was happening this weekend, but I've been so frazzled and stressed over planning it & the workshop that I somehow never managed to put out the pleading call for money to anyone but my immediate family. Next year I'll hound you for contributions, I swear.
But in other news, last week the banding lab was visited by the master of horror, Wes Craven. Yes, the guy who brought you Freddy Krueger is actually a very nice, very tall man who loves birds. He was there with a group visiting from
Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, which he supports with his shiny Hollywoodland money. And we want him to support our organization that way too. I got to meet him and shake his hand and tell him that I love his movies and we chatted about birds and he remembered my name because it's the same as his daughter's! I restrained myself and did NOT tell him about the horror movie Kim & I thought up about a flock of murderous chickadees titled "Chicka-DIE!" Heh. But anyway, it was cooooool.
Ooh, this weekend Nellie & I went and bought a whole bunch of plants & flowers for our balcony and now it's all pretty. Impatiens, salvia, geraniums, tall purple flowers, short purple flowers, mini-daisies...and we got a dwarf lemon tree! Which is eventually going to produce dwarf lemons, which we will be using to make dwarf lemonade. Pretty awesome, eh?
Hey, you know what's funny? I stopped reading House fanfic a few weeks ago. You know why? Because the show is basically fulfilling my fangirl needs for me. When was the last time that happened? Ooh, and also! The Sentinel is finallyfinallyfinally out on DVD and Netflix is bringing it to meeeee and now I can do like I did with Due South and actually watch the show I've been reading fic for all these years. Super keen!