Behind the Scenes of a Summer Drama - PiYui; PG-13

Mar 21, 2009 18:57

title: Behind the Scenes of a Summer Drama
author: nihongofrancais
pairing: Yamashita Tomohisa/Aragaki Yui
rating: PG-13
word count: 2,408 words
summary: They've only done two dramas together, both in the summer season.
author's notes: written for trivialaffair for je_whiteday 2009. My love to anamuan for beta-reading and tinyangl helping me conspire to finish. *grin*

Her face is open and bright, seeming to mimic the sun it turns up toward as she laughs outright. A giggling Masami leans on her right shoulder, pushing her over slightly and she struggles to hold onto her small cup of shaved ice (milk flavored with azuki, her favorite). She mutters something inaudible to his ears between beautifully wide smiles and manages to send Masami into another fit of giggles.


YamaPi's head snaps, turning to face Teppei at his side. "Hmm?"

"Your shaved ice." Teppei gently motions toward the small paper cone in YamaPi's hands as he slurps some ice from his own. "It's melting."

YamaPi looks down and finally notices that the paper cone in his hand is wet and cold sugary water is dripping onto his sandals, slipping between his toes. He lifts it up to get a look at the mess before he decides all is lost and tosses it into the makeshift garbage can that the drama staff has created. "I knew I should've gotten a cup instead of a cone. This always happens to me."

" mean, getting caught staring at Yui-chan?"

Maintaining that cool image that everyone seems to have created for him, YamaPi rolls his eyes, hardly revealing his embarrassment at being caught red-handed. "She's cute, but I was talking about the ice," he retorts confidently.

As he wanders back over to where the makeshift shaved ice stand is on set so he can get himself a fresh milk flavored one, he glances back once more at his two co-stars happily chatting between themselves and wonders if anyone else can hear the pounding of his rapidly beating heart.


"He's looking this way again."

Yui shakes her head and concentrates on her shaved ice. "He is so totally not, okay," she insists around a spoonful of ice and azuki.

Masami leans in closer and Yui can feel her chin lightly resting on her shoulder. "You know, he kind of looks like a dead fish like that. Eyes wide, mouth just slightly open, maybe on his last breath..."

"Masami!" Yui scolds, but when she sneaks a peek at him for herself out of the corner of her eye at him, she ends up laughing outright.

"See!!" Masami's leaning on her shoulder, shaking from her own giggles. "I told you so!"

"He makes a kind of cute fish though," Yui whispers quietly, only for Masami's ears, which only causes her co-star to laugh even more.

By the time Yui is finishing off her shaved ice, Masami has calmed down and turns to her once more. "Do you really think so?"

"Hmm?" Yui tilts her head slightly.

"That Yamashita-kun is cute."

Yui ponders it for a moment, glancing over at him now talking with Teppei-kun. "I do," she sincerely states, "but not enough date him." She bites down on her own tongue before she can add in an extra, "Not now."

Masami smiles at her and gives a vigorous nod of her head. "I totally agree. Those Johnny's idols, they come with too much baggage."

"Yeah," Yui voices, yet her eyes linger on his back as he walks away from her.


"You have a kind face," he whispers softly, before he leans in and kisses her chastely.

A lot of things have happened in the weeks prior. Promotions for "TEPPEN". Cheering for volleyball. Uchi's incident and suspension. The announcement of his drama with Kamenashi, of all people. He doesn't dare tell anyone, but he thinks that he might be reaching his limit. He doesn't let it show on his face and he keeps his cool image in place. At least, he thinks he hasn't let it show on his face.

She noticed right away.

Despite the fact that as the drama wears on, their scenes together have lessened and they hardly interact with one another, she reaches out to him. She doesn't say anything specifically and neither does he, but her just simply being there, offering her quiet, comforting presence is more than he could have possibly asked for.

His hand is at her face, thumb resting gently on her cheekbone. His lips linger on hers a moment longer, no real intentions to push the kiss further, but simply taking in that moment. His eyes closed, the softness of her lips, the warmth of her skin...

YamaPi eventually pulls away, and in a strangely shy manner (he has never quite been shy about these particular things), ducks his head to the side.

"Thank you. I'm flattered." He can hear the gentle smile in her voice and perhaps even the slight blush that tinges her cheeks.

He turns back to her and meets her eyes.

YamaPi knows good and well-enough when he's being let down gracefully.


It's as they're standing in the doorway of the restaurant getting ready to leave the drama wrap-up party a little earlier than the rest (Yui has school early tomorrow morning and he apparently has an early on-set call for his new drama) that he finally apologizes.

"I'm sorry."

Yui doesn't play coy, doesn't ask what he's sorry for when she already knows. "You don't have to be sorry," she assures him with a soft, dismissive nod of her head.

He looks like he wants to say more, but he hesitates and opens the siding restaurant door and steps outside instead. Yui can't help but smile at his bashfulness. This is the second time she's seen him like this. There's something incredibly flattering and ultimately thrilling about being able to witness the secret side of this idol.

She follows him outside and soon enough, they are walking in step down the empty sidewalk toward the train station. "Did you want to say something?" Yui presses; her curiosity has gotten the best of her, she really wants to know.

"...Thank you."

Only two words. Simple, basic words. Hardly special, something anyone could have said to her, about nearly anything. But they are special nevertheless because they are coming from him. She knows he means them too. The tone, the measure, the preparation leading up to them. They relay all that he wants to say, and perhaps maybe even things he cannot yet say.

She holds onto a glimmer of hope.

"You're welcome," Yui sincerely replies with a wide smile. He responds with an awkward, unpracticed smile of his own.

They part ways at the train station-he's on the JR, she's on the subway-and Yui knows that they won't see each other again.

"Yamashita-kun says hi!"

Having been occupied with rereading her script, Yui starts when Tegoshi plops down on the lounge sofa next to her as they wait to be called back onto the set for the next scene. "...Hmm?"

Tegoshi looks slightly confused. "I didn't get that wrong, did I? Didn't you work with Yamashita-kun last year on that one TBS drama?"

Yui isn't sure where this conversation is going exactly, so she answers with a hesitant, "No, you're right."

"Oh good. Because he says hi. I ran into him at work yesterday."

"Oh okay. Thanks."

Yui thought he would've forgotten her already. Somehow, it's nice to know that he hasn't; she hasn't quite forgotten him herself.


"You have fans in high places, Yamashita-kun."

"...Huh?" YamaPi pulls the tank top over his head and then turns back to Shige who's walked into the dressing room.

"I was just talking to her on set today and it seems like Gakki's a fan of yours."


"You know, Aragaki-san? Aragaki Yui-san?"

Recognition dawns in YamaPi. "Oh yeah." He doesn't tell Shige that he didn't know who he was talking about originally because he doesn't think of her as 'Gakki' but as 'Yui-chan' in his mind.

"We were talking about dramas we'd seen recently and Gakki mentioned she'd seen Proposal Daisakusen and liked it."

YamaPi's pretty sure her kind words are more as a fellow actor than as a fan, but even then, they mean a lot.

"I saw you looking."

YamaPi slows his step allowing her to catch up to him and they continue down the hallway together. "...Hmm?" He glances down at the script rolled up in his hands.

"I saw you looking at me during the rehearsal reading." Her voice is hushed and teasing, yet with a trace of forcefulness. It's different than before when she was a little more quiet and reserved. When she had simply let her actions speak on her behalf.

She is different.

"You did?" YamaPi plays along, flashing a grin at her. He's grown, he's different too. More secure and self-assured.

"I did," she repeats with a sure nod and her own slightly mischievous smile.

"What did you make of it?" YamaPi challenges her. He has an inkling of what might happen next and he'd really like to see her follow through.

They make a left-down the empty corridor that leads back to their dressing rooms (conveniently next to one another)-while everyone else continues to go straight. She takes a few steps in front of him and then turns to face him, walking backwards, hands tucked into the pockets of her pale, flowery sundress. "You know, I was excited when I heard I would be doing this drama with you." She doesn't quite answer his question, and yet, she does. "It's been two years."

"It has. You've gotten more popular."

"So have you."

"Are you too popular to go out with me?" YamaPi teases with a smirk, but he sincerely means what he says. He always has.

She grins. "I think I can fit you into my schedule."


"You do this all the time?" Yui questions in disbelief. "And you never get caught?"

He nods his head, but he doesn't turn around to address her directly. She would rather he didn't; it's safer for the two of them if he keeps his eyes forward. "Never been caught. And I never really hide it either."

"You're wearing sunglasses today," she points out.

"You're wearing a hat," he retorts playfully.

"It's sunny," she insists.

"Exactly," he returns, turning left down another street of quaint houses. "Besides, this doesn't really fit with my image. Riding around quiet neighborhoods on a granny bicycle is not exactly what people think of when they think Johnny's jimusho idol."

Yui presses her lips against his shirt and quietly hmms into his shoulder. "I guess not; I mean I don't believe it myself."

"Yet, you're sitting on the back of my granny bicycle right now." Despite not being able to see his face, she can imagine his teasing grin.

Yui nods her head even though she knows he can't see. "I've never done this before. Well, that's sort of a lie. I've done it before, but I was never myself."

"You've done it in movies?"

"Yeah." She leans forward a little more and tightens her grip on his waist just slightly. "But this is different. This is better."

This is such a middle school feeling, Yui thinks, riding on the back of her boyfriend's rickety bicycle, the warm afternoon sun bathing them as they ride around in aimless circles, enjoying the outing, enjoying each other. She's not a model-cum-actress. He's not a hugely famous pop idol. She's just Yui. He's just Tomo.

And they are content together on this day off, allowed this moment together to just be.


"Tomo. Oh Tomo..."

Her hair is loose and long and as she tosses her head back, it falls along the curve of her collarbone, the soft round of her breast. YamaPi can feel her heart racing, she's struggling to keep up, but his name is still a constant on her lips, always her lips. Slivers of moonlight dance across her skin and he can't help but think that in this moment, she just glows.

YamaPi's eyes never leave hers as they look down on him from above. Her eyes shine with desire, yes, but more than that, faith. He can see yesterday, today, and tomorrow in her eyes. He can see forever. He hopes she can see the same in his.

He reaches a free hand up to slide around her neck, pulling her down to him. She grazes his lower lip with her teeth in the midst of their sloppy, desperate kisses and his breath hitches in his throat at the sensitively intimate touch. YamaPi can feel her momentarily smile against his lips at his reaction before she pulls away, arching her lithe back with another breathy sigh of his name.

God, what had he done without her for so long when he can't even think beyond her now?


Yui's thin fingers wrap around his and she tugs him along excitedly, darting from one shop to the next. She's never been to Enoshima before; everything is shiny and new and she wants to explore it all.

The weather is hardly ideal-overcast, rainy-but she refuses to let that dampen her spirits. They split a warm, fluffy anman (and he gets himself a nikuman to fulfill his carnivorous cravings), share a cone of chestnut-flavored ice cream. Yui enjoys window-shopping, admiring the wooden sculptures and playing with the glass wind chimes. He likes playing the old-fashioned carnival games, firing his pop gun and shooting animal figurines.

Yui doesn't wear all that much jewelry (his collection surpasses her own by leaps and bounds), but she finds herself taken with a pretty silver ring in one of the shops. There's nothing terribly special about it, just three thin and simple bands layered on top of one another. She rolls in over in her hand, slips it onto her finger, puts it back down on the table and examines it once more.

So occupied, Yui doesn't notice him come up from behind her and when he snatches the ring off the table, she starts. "Ojii-san!" he calls out to the older shopkeeper. "Do you have two of these?"

Once purchased, he slips it onto her finger without a word and she finally speaks. "You didn't have to buy it, you know."

He shakes his head with a small grin. "You looked like you wanted it, so I bought it. It's not like it was expensive."

Yui rolls her eyes, but she doesn't take off the ring.

When he shows up to the drama set the next day wearing a plain silver chain with a ring matching her own around his neck, Yui smiles and he smiles back.

the end.

ginzarhapsody, special: exchange fic, pairing: piyui, fandom: je!fic, rating: pg-13

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