Share - NewS, PG

Oct 04, 2007 22:49

title: Share
author: nihongofrancais
genre: RPS, NewS
pairing: KoyamaPi
disclaimer: They are real people. They own themselves.
summary: "Sharing is caring and caring is love." - sugarsicons
author's note: Unbetaed, and clearly written at a somewhat ungodly hour. I am writing real!people!fic. The mind absolutely boggles. I thought I was going to write about cute!little!Koyama!eyes, but then this came out instead. *laughs* For anamuan, who chanted KoyamaPi at me until I caved. (originally written on February 16, 2007)

" ne, share?"

"You got to eat creme brulee today. No."

"It's not my fault you don't like whipped cream!"


Koyama pouted, pulling his legs up to his chest so that he could fold his arms across his knees and rest his chin there comfortably. His eyes returned to the television in front of them so he could avoid watching YamaPi eat the last cup of his favorite pudding. He half-heartedly paid attention though, as his mind was filled with thoughts of the yummy dessert.

"Ah! That was the answer?!" IQ Sapuri was on. While Koyama was terrible at things like word puzzles and such that tested one's intelligence, YamaPi quite enjoyed them; it was one of YamaPi's sillier wishes to someday be invited on the variety game show.

Even when the show went to break and a commercial for Waseda's cram school filled the television screen, Koyama kept his eyes staring straight ahead, his pout still full on his lips. YamaPi was being mean. YamaPi wasn't sharing.

"Keii-chan?" Koyama felt YamaPi shuffle closer to him so that they were sitting side by side, but he refused to face him.

"Keii-chan." YamaPi's voice was more forceful and accompanied by his right arm hooking around Koyama's left, successfully pulling the older one out of his pouting pose. "ageru."

Koyama finally looked away from the television at YamaPi, who was holding out the half-full cup of pudding to him. The pout instantly melted away and a pleased smile replaced it. "Really?" he questioned, making sure. His eyes were locked on the pudding now and he didn't even look up at the face that was offering it.

"Really." YamaPi returned, and the next thing Koyama knew, a spoonful of the pudding was being pushed past his lips and into his mouth. He closed his eyes, reveling in the pudding's caramel sweetness - not too strong with a hint of simplicity.

Not before he finished off his mouthful of pudding, Koyama felt YamaPi straddle him quickly and the younger man's lips were full against his own. YamaPi's tongue probed, exploring every hidden nook of the other's mouth, devouring the perfect flavor of the pudding and Koyama. Battling back, Koyama fought to keep the pudding to himself, but alas, fell to the overwhelming power of the kiss, allowing YamaPi to claim it all.

"You still took it all!" Koyama cried after he had recovered from the pillaging kiss.

"You already ate creme brulee today!" YamaPi retorted, sitting back on his haunches, still straddled over Koyama's now outstretched legs. "And you didn't share that with me!"

"But you don't like whipped cream!"

"You could've given me a part without whipped cream!"


"SEE! It was my-"

Before YamaPi could finish, Koyama pounced him with a kiss of his own, pushing him onto the floor, determined to get his share of the pudding back one way or another.

the end.

ginzarhapsody, rating: pg, pairing: koyamapi, fandom: je!fic, pairing: news

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