Off to the annual Owl Post Club's Quidditch tourney in a few. Sigh. I am not looking forward to working Sundays again. I liked having two-day weekends this summer. Oh well. The obvious solution is to quit the bookstore for good, but I'm not ready to do that. I like the small amount of extra cash it puts in my wallet; I like the discount, especially around the holidays; I like the people. I just don't like working six days a week. I'll do it through December (and try not to bitch about it overly) and see how I feel in January.
Came home from Debbie's last night and spent two hours doing this...
I must say, it amuses me greatly. However, it is too large to use as an icon. I need to either a) lower the quality on the screenshots or b) cut a third of the frames from it, which I don't feel like doing. So for now, I will just not use it as an icon. Rather, I will take it out and pet the cuteness that is Buck, Luz, and Babe and pat myself on the back for having made it go.
Right. Have lovely Sundays, everyone!