Our screenplay has made it to the semifinals. We're one of 12 scripts in the Comedy category. There are three cash prizes in that category (none of them huge, but whatever) and three sets of various numbers of chances to pitch your script to bigwigs. And the top 50 scripts (which I think we're in now) are read by a specific talent agency who may (or may not) approach you to offer representation. The grand prize is big, but realistically, it will probably go to a drama.
Friggin' AWESOME end to my crap week, thank you very much. Finalists to be announced 10/15. Please to be working the good juju, thanks.
Yesterday I was tagged by
damson for that Seven Things meme. I tried to come up with seven new things from the last time I did this, but I may be retreading a bit.
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
1. I have a crap sense of direction. And it's tricksy, because it's not everywhere. It is nearly everywhere in the Greater Chicagoland Area, however. Present me with an intersection here, and I'm pretty much guaranteed to trust my instincts, pick a direction, and grudgingly admit five miles later that it was the exact opposite of where I should have gone. Good, clear directions are my friend. But they aren't a safeguard against my getting lost.
2. I am a slave to my own Habi-Trail, but not in a classically obsessive-compulsive way. More in an absent-minded way. So, like, having someone stay in my apartment, which makes me close the door when I'm in the bathroom in the morning, will lead to things like me spitting my toothpaste into the laundry basket instead of the sink. Because everything has an established rhythm and a habit-/muscle memory-driven choreography, and apparently I don't improvise as well as I'd like to think.
3. Let me preface by saying I don't actually believe in astrology; I just like the idea of it. But when I was 25, a woman at the office where I worked did my astrology chart and informed me that I'm actually a Capricorn, not a Sagittarius, because my time of birth (12/21, 11:37 p.m.CA time) is around 6 a.m. the next day, Greenwich Mean Time, which is where all these things are measured. I had kind of an existential meltdown for about 15 minutes and then thought it was just like me to have been reading the wrong horoscope for 25 years. Explains a lot, actually. I do display a lot of Capricorn traits, but I've got a wicked Sag streak in me, too, and I feel like a Sagittarius.
4. I have trouble with the random/shuffle feature as regards music. I like to know what's coming. I like to say, "I'm in mood x, therefore I will apply music y." There's something really comforting about that instinctive understanding of what the next beat, note, or lyric is going to be, and it throws me off when a song I know comes next doesn't. I'm actively working on it, though, and making some progress. This week's commutes have all been Shuffled.
5. I'm pretty sure that, in terms of going through the unexpected death of a parent, I got cut a few huge breaks when my dad died. I mean, it was horrific, don't get me wrong. But I managed to miss a lot of the things that tie people up for years. I hadn't fought with him in a long time (though we were never really involved enough in each other's lives to fight much). I'd spent some really nice time with him--helping him on a project--the night before his stroke. I kissed him goodnight and told him I loved him. He was conscious enough at the hospital the first day to know that we were there with him and to take comfort from us. He didn't linger for weeks/months/years, and he died on his own--we didn't have to take the step of turning anything off, though we were prepared to. I have regrets, sure, who doesn't. But they're pretty standard, and it's been 12 years, so mostly I just miss him and remember lots of good things about him.
6. I can't do anything but watch TV when the TV's on. It's not one of the things I can multi-task at. If it's on, I'm watching it. Can't clean with it on in the background, because I'll just end up standing slack-jawed in front of it. I hate TVs in bars and restaurants for this reason. I drive people nuts because I have to pause whatever we're watching to make snarky comments, while they can all listen/watch and talk at the same time. The only exceptions I've found to this rule are folding laundry and sewing. But even then, it has to be something I know backward and forward so I can listen for the parts I know I need to watch.
7. I love kissing. I wish I did more of it. My first kiss with Sean was literally four hours long, and our hands never wandered beyond shoulders and backs. We did so much kissing that we started keeping a rough count of how many hours we spent just making out--at the end of our first month, it was something like 30 hours. God, I loved the first year we dated. Happiest year of my life, I tell you what. Lol. And apparently there's thing 8. Though I'm not still in love with him and don't sit around wondering why, why?? because I know full well why it didn't work out, I honestly don't believe I'm ever going to love anyone as much as I loved Sean, or find anyone who will love me as well as he did. Doesn't mean I don't think I'm never going to fall in love again, just ... not that well.
Oh. Tagging. Um. You know what? I'm feeling rebellious today. I'm breaking the rules. Go forth and repeat the meme if you want. Otherwise, not so much.
Weekend, and thank goodness. I'm going up to see
blaurosen tonight, after celebratory coffee and cell-phone return with Debbie this afternoon. I have a buttload of boring homework to do Sunday, but tomorrow will be fun. And people are reading what we wrote. And I talked to
liptonrm and
likethesun2 for cumulative hours last night, and that was brilliant, and my boys are back in my TV, and I have fandom pants I want to make, and an icon in my head, and maybe my fic-brain will kick in again sometime soon. Things are looking up.