Well that was just 39.7 minutes of magnificent fun

Oct 04, 2007 21:02

Oh, MAN. I am so happy to have my show back.

First off, wow, I yelled really really loud at that first title card. Because hell, yeah, I'm officially on the Supernatural map. I was bummed that Envy apparently left Oak Park to go to Nebraska or wherever rather than Sam. Dean, and Bobby coming here, but I'll survive.

Loving the idea of new credits every season, and I like what this season's say about the season, but I freely admit to missing the fire-pentagon lettering.

So, yeah. I almost never get seriously thinky on first viewing. I'm too wrapped up in how awesome it is that I'm getting 40-odd minutes of new Winchesters to get too worked up over things like... you know... plot holes or niggly things that bug me, or characterization questions, or... stuff like that. Later, upon discussion, these things come out of me, and I'm occasionally insightful. First viewing? All about things I loved.

Dean's tom-catting? Awesome. Cheezy, but awesome. Sam's clench-jawed tolerance of Dean's tom-catting? AWESOME. "Lemme see your knife." + "I gotta gouge my eyes out." = Best Bitchy Sammy Line Evar (right now, at this moment).

Oh, holy shit, how fucking awesome is Bobby freakin' Singer? T H I S A W E S O M E . He was already awesome enough, but then the SUIT and the "defense attorney," and the freaking rusted-out GTO (I'm pretty sure it was a GTO. Will hit the MuscleCar website soon to verify... ETA: Yeah, pretty sure oselle's right, and it's a Chevelle--that 1969 pic looks about right) into which Sam, the gigantic baby, gets crammed... And then just how dead-on he lays his various smackdowns. I was seriously talking to the TV, asking him to just come and take me now.

The end felt a bit anti-climactic to me, but I loved, LOVED seeing Sam hit the end of his nice-guy rope and call Dean on his game, and I loved Dean's reaction to it. I loved that he's still tired, that he's finally acknowledged to himself that he deserves a break. That HELL appears to be a break to him is disturbing in a wonderfully fucked-up Winchesterian way, but hey. He's Dean, what do I expect?

Ruby... (Ruby? Pretty sure that was Ruby.) Meh. Too early for me to make any judgements. I like that there are going to be more women on the show (and wow, I loved Tamara and was really glad she survived), but tonight was all about the "ooh, look, mystery hunter with her fancy knife." I didn't care for the Matrix stuff in the fight scene, mainly because it made her look like a Buffy clone. Thing I like about Supernatural, and the Winchesters in particular, is that they fight without super-powers. Ahem. Except for their miraculously fast-healing skin. That's truly a wonder, but whatever. My point is, I'd rather just see a huge, confusing tangle of three demons, a hot chick with a magic knife, and Sam than all that super-slo-mo stuff. Which really just makes me think they were trying to cover for the fact that the actress has a lot more fight training to do before they can film her in real time.

And, just in case you thought I was getting thinky there (slim risk of that, lol), I will close by pointing out that Dean was lovely as always, but sonofabitch Sam was pretty in this episode. And... does he look taller to anyone else? In that last scene by the gravesite, he seemed to be TOWERING over everyone even more than usual. But anyway, what I was saying earlier today, about the planes and angles of his face? THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. Every shot of him in this episode. Man alive that guy turns my crank.

Ahem. Right. Done for now. Must go poke the internets to see if they will supply me files of the music from the ep, and tell verify Bobby's car. (OMG still laughing over Sam getting in and out of that back seat. Will never get unfunny to me. I can SEE the meeting. Kripke: Wait. Why'd you change this to Bobby's car? Why aren't they driving the Impala? Manners: Dean's not gonna let them drive his baby into a bar, are you kidding? Kripke: But Dean doesn't KNOW they're gonna end up driving into a bar at this point. So why aren't they driving the Impala. Manners: Have you seen Jared? Have you seen the fold-down seats on Bobby's car? Kripke: *evil finger steeple* Ah, yes. We must stuff Jared in that back seat as many times as possible. Wait two minutes, I'm sure I can write another entrance/exit for him. Manners: *Mr. Burns* Excellent. I'll make sure the equipment fouls up for maximum torture.)


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