Yesterday I accomplished laundry. All that laundry that I haven't put away since April? I put it away. I also ran the dishwasher, washed the other dishes, allowed my new fancy new doctor neighbor to take the former bottom of my kitchen-sink-cupboard down to the trash (I'm tempted to say I dazzled him with my beauty until he hauled crap for me, but in truth I looked really bad--ugly man pants, exhausted man shirt I stole from Brian 7 years ago, hair all over everywhere, and generally sweaty; I was not at my most becoming), and cooked myself real food for dinner. Not a lot of it, but still.
Today I accomplished stuffing antibiotics down Minou's throat, head-shrinking, vegetables for lunch, and a fuckload of work that I stayed til 9 p.m. to do. I did not so much accomplish dinner--just a tired old apple that was hanging around my cube. I also accomplished a new icon .*indicates dead-brain-twin icon*
Tomorrow I plan to accomplish more laundry, washing this time.
Now it is nearly midnight and I'm starving and keyed up from too much work. But my kitties and I are in need of cuddling, and so we are for our bed.
Oh, and
cunien rules my world with paratroopers at her side. I am at her mercy and I love it.