yellow peepols ((Alice here ^__~))

Jun 11, 2005 07:55

hey hey hey hey hey!!!!!!!!what is up my people??? but no like seriously im all hyper right now because i had this wired dream where i was at this odd high school that looked like a college and everyone i know was there but everyone also had a look alike, even i had a look alike and one so everyone thought i was my look alike abd all the look alike's had similar names, so everyone was calling my Allison and i was hanging out with my look alike's crowd, which was my crowd only not y'know it was a little different and than "Carol", who was a look alike of my friend Caroline only the look alike had shorter and purple hair, well she pushed this plate of donuts to the center of the table we were at and said "we each get one but allison gets two" i had no idea why i got two, but i found out that after the donuts were gone another donut appeared to replace it and im guessing they did that 250 times beacuse "carol" caid that i got 500 donuts. and so why this makes me hyper is because when i woke up i wanted donuts and so i had some for breakfast ^__^ some advice from hitra: when picking out your outfit for the day and drinking a huge big gulp of coke, dont get distracted by the crack on your ceiling that looks like a pretty butterfly. Unless, of course, you're going for that "trailer-trash-that-doesnt-give-a-f*ck-about-their-looks" look thati advise you to deffinately do that ^__^ and dont you losers ((jkjk u know i love you)) ever forget: AHM TOO SEKSI FOR MAH PANTS TOO SEKSI FOR MAH PANTS!!!!!!!!!! ((LAST PART MUST BE SUNG!!!!!!))

--------------------------------alice ^^queen of the eva' lovin' universe^^---------------------------------------
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